Laugh Out Loud- PG 13 Part 2

I found this website called  You can post a new gathering in your zip code and interested people join.  So, I wrote up a little description of a club called Books, Wine and Fun and waited to see who was interested.

I receive about 15 members in a day or two.  One, by the name of Shannon.  Shannon is a woman in her thirties, single and worked as a nanny for a young child.  Seems nice enough, right?

Shannon misses the first meeting.  She sends an email  (like a novel) explaining her absence and asks for the title of the book and promises to make the next meeting.  I reluctantly agree, as I am sensing "crazy" written all over her email.  Plus, she signs everything "Warmly, Shannon" and that makes my skin crawl.  

So, meeting number 2 rolls around and goes well.  Shannon is a bit chatty and my intuition is telling me that drama may ensue, but I just drink some more Merlot and laugh it off.

For the second book, I choose "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.  I send an email out to the girls on an interesting interview I found.  No spoilers that would ruin the book, just some food for thought and some background on the author.

Here is the email I get back from Shannon (yes I have saved all of them for comedic relief, or as proof that this all happened):

Maybe we could wait until ALL of us have read or finished the book before giving out info about the book and giving the story away....lmao!!  Just a thought Tiffany!:)))

Okay, how is this lmao (laughing my ass off)?  You basically just called me(the HEAD of MY book club) out to the whole group and asked me not to spoil the book that you haven't gotten off your butt to read.  You think adding "lmao" and those stupid smiley faces is going to make you seem less passive aggressive?  NOT.

So now I am pissed.  She has cc'd the entire book club and now it's my turn (picking fights, remember?).  So I respond with this:

Shannon, I am not sure what you mean.  The only thing I reference is David and he is in the first few pages with no real consequence to the story. Everything else can be found by reading the back of the book.  And, I feel as not only a member of the club, but the organizer, that it's my responsibility to provoke thought and ask questions about the literature.  With so many of us in the club, it's difficult to get too in depth at meetings.  I often find that people who are interested in the discourse respond, those who aren't don't.

In other words.. take big step back *^&%!!!!

She did.  Sending an apology that she sees my point and blah, blah, blah.  I feel confident that's last I'll hear from her. I've put her in her place, and now she will play nice.  

Was I ever wrong.

© 2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Rights Reserved.


Anonymous said…
What? You cannot just leave us hanging like this - I'm dying to know what Shifty Shannon is going to pull next!
KatBouska said…
Oh my gosh that's too funny. I love the :)))))) as if she's saying "BIIIIG SMILES!!!!!"


I can't wait to hear what this lady comes up with next!!
Jennifer P. said…
So I rarely, if ever, fall into text ebonics---but I do loves me a smiley face :) :-) :P .......Am I bothering you :)?!?!
Anonymous said…
Love the cliff hangers, Tif!
Lula! said…
Why are you doing this to me? We're going to be family one day--and I will hold this over your head at every get-together, as in, "Remember when you got all famous for your Shannon story and you made me wait like everyone else? Oh, here's your Christmas present. Bitch."
Unknown said…
UH OH !!!

I think I read a suspense novel once about this group of women that were in a book club.

Their club was actually a front for their real activity, which was murder for hire....

Nahhh ... couldn't be :-)
Cecily R said…
I am such a wuss I would have probably just melted into a puddle of wussness instead of saying what you did. Kudos to you!!

And I have never understood LMAO. If I could laugh it off, TRUST ME, I would have done it already. It could use some losing.
Amy said…
This is really funny. I love the, "she had crazy written all over her e mail," part. Turn and run. Fast.
Candid Carrie said…
Note to self:

Never, ever, ever piss off Mrs. R

Heather said…
THIS is why you are my friend. I have two settings. "Walk All Over Me" and "I'm Gonna Hurt You Now". You know how I am. You are the master of telling people off with class and style. Mrs. R - you complete me (she draws a little air heart with her fingers)
Caroline said…
Thanks for showing me some comment lovin'. We need all the affirmation we can get. You can tell Shannon - In the words of my friend Mrs. Noonzie (who REALLY needs a blog)...POP Off!
Debz said…
I love, love, love these stories with installments. It's like soap operas where I get to use my own (very) vivid imagination. I got you shakin your head and waggin your finger (in a "no she di'int style) while you were respondin to Shannon's email. Was I close?
Anonymous said…
You are so brave...opening yourself up to all the crazies in the world...I have to say as soon as I read "I've put her in her place" I knew that was wrong...

My sympathies...what happened next??
Connie said…
So many personalities so little time ...
Jen said…
Can't wait to see what happens next!
Apple Joos said…
You're killing me! Then what happened?!
Alison said…
Passive-aggressive people are the worst. They say the worst things and think cutesy abbreviations or a sugary-sweet tone of voice will make it all right--NOT!
Mama Dawg said…
Do I smell "stalker" in the air?
Anonymous said…
i'm choosing not to go back and read all the emails and delight in how the story unfolds. you are telling it so accurately and pausing for emphasis at all the right parts.

OMG! i had a thought. if she ever read this blog she would comment for about 2 pages defending her position.

I can't stop giggling and snickering.

KimmyJ said…
Mrs. R got Saucy with crazy book club lady. A SITSta after my own heart. Give me more. I loved that book and I wanted to run away and live in an ashram too for a few days....And why is it that all book clubs have a crazy (or 2)??
Anonymous said…
I know this crazy lady...she just goes by a different name! This stuff is better than soaps. You should be a reality TV show. How about The Rant Hour? or Mrs. R unplugged?
Heather M.
Anonymous said…
T- I'm so proud of how well you handled Shannon! Hilarious..keep going, please!!!!!
Rhea said…
Oh, this has the makings of a great story. I can't wait!

BTW, I have something for you on my blog. :o)
Swirl Girl said…
can I be a fly on the wall of the next meeting so I can kick some vicarious ass, too?
John Deere Mom said…
You're so funny. LOL

Hehe. I couldn't resist. LMAO.

Okay, I'm done. I promise...
Anonymous said…
You're funny....and love your response. :))) It was very tactful.
Kimba said…
More! More! More!
Cristin said…
I need to take some lessons from you on how to tell people off without dropping f-bombs all over the place.
Scary Mommy said…

P.S. I gave you an award, so stop by :)
scargosun said…
Uh oh. You've got one of THOSE people in your club. I don't even know what "THOSE" are but I am getting the same icky feeling you are.
Trish said…
More, more, more.....

we want more.

i wish i had the guts to put someone in their place.
Maternal Mirth said…
Yeah, her cheese has slipped off her cracker ...

warmly, M&M (oh, ick ... I thought I would be funny and sign this like ol'Shannon, but eeew! SO eeew!)
Teri said…
Oooh, I am liking this story so far. And here is a way to put someone in their place the southern way: Always end your put downs with a "bless your heart." That means, "I hate you, you crazy #%&#()?" in a really sweet kinda way.
Insane Mama said…
OMG seriously listen to me
I started a meetup also, it was for hiking, first hike... all good
Second hike I was blamed for putting them in danger (it was muddy)
Crazy psycho chick said she could sue me if she slipped.
Crazy peopla at meetups, at least some.
Tricia said…
I'm hooked. U want to know what happens to crazy Shannon.

And, I just want to shout out to teri. I've been wondering about that "bless your heart" thing. I suspected foul play, and thank you for confirming it. You have no idea how many times people have said that to me. Damn. I may need to move back north.
Debbie said…
"LOL" ;)))))

Warmly, Debbie
leezee52 said… sure is fun here....I'll be back for more!
Anonymous said…
Ah oh....Shannon doesn't play nice?
And thanks for clarifying what lmao meant...I honestly did not know until now.
Finding Normal said…
Ohhh, this is gonna be good! LMAO!
CaraBee said…
This is getting good! Keep it coming!
katylinvw said…
don't keep us in suspense! what did that little . .. mm hmm do next?
Party of 5 said…
Oh my she sounds like a winner. I get so frustrated by people like that and thats why I spend most of my time in my hole in my world. LOL I kid. They do annoy me though. I wanna know what happens next.
Unknown said…
OH LOVE IT... I would have kicked her out right there.... It is YOUR group....
Think how boring life would be without freaks like her?
Lex the mom said…
Your response makes her seem really, really dumb! Wicked awesome!
Tracy P. said…
You are braver than I to start something like that. Don't you love it when people use "Reply all" as a weapon?
Anonymous said…
you go - can't wait to read what is next!

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