Crackliture- I was feining.
"That's what I love about reading: one tiny thing will interest you in a book, and then that tiny thing will lead you onto another book, and that tiny thing will lead you onto a third book. It's geometrically progressive- and all with no end in sight, and for no other reason than sheer enjoyment."
- Juliet Ashton "The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society"
Did you know that I majored in History?
I love just about all history, but have a few areas that really interest me. Colonial America and World War II {specifically the Holocaust} being two that have captured my interest completely.
At USC, I took a class on the Holocaust taught by a Rabbi. It changed the core of who I was.
Not only did we have survivors come in and speak, we actually studied how such horrific events could come to pass. The seeds go back farther than you could imagine. How an average man, rejected from art school, could start a political movement in the back of a bar that would grow into the loss of more than 12 million lives.
The ramifications of WWII are mind-boggling. I am fascinated and inspired by the stories of survival, of friendship, of doing what was right even in the face of dire consequences.
In my studies, I have read books on Nazi propaganda to a story of French Huguenots who started their own "underground railroad" of sorts, saving one Jewish life at a time. I have read books that have given me nightmares for weeks. Books that have made me seriously consider my personal character, inner strength and resiliency. Books that have me questioning humanity and books that have me celebrating it.
Today, I finished a book that had me laughing out loud, and weeping in silence.
"The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" is now one of my favorite treasures.
Comprised of letters.. yes, just letters, this work of fiction paints an amazing picture of life during the German Occupation in Europe. You do not have to know a single stitch of history to love this book and it's fascinating characters. The humor is snarky, the relationships are tangible, the writing is perfect.
Based on a small Channel Island, Guernsey, that spent FIVE years occupied by German troops with NO contact to the outside world, this book tells the story of a group of neighbors who looked to literature for distraction, for conversation, for camaraderie. The events of WWII and the time directly after unfold naturally as they tell of their lives- this book is not about the war or the Holocaust. It's about these "ordinary" people who lived through an extraordinary time.
It tells of hardships not always mentioned. Of details not often discussed.
As I read, I turn down pages when I find a sentence I love or a passage that moves me.
In this book, every 3rd page has a crease.
When I finish a book I am grateful to have read, I close it and caress the back cover.
This is my way of saying goodbye friends.
And, thank you for your story.

Beach Music by Pat Conroy is my all time favorite fiction book. Throughout this fictional story, you get a very real glimpse of how the Holocaust affected not only those who lived it but the children of those survivors.
I will have to check it out. Also the book that Donnetta just left in her comment.
Did you ever read Night by Elie Wiesel? I couldn't put it down. It was great.
A great fictional one, was the True Story of Hansel and Gretel. by Louise Murphy. I cried through the whole book.
I know you are thinking, "Just what a busy woman needs!" but please take it as a compliment that I just tagged you in a "Six Random Things" meme here:
Happy weekend!
Thanks, Tiffany!
are you leaving us??
say it ain't so, Tiff.
I need your address now too. Pronto.
I was OB.SESSED. with learning about the Holocaust. I later learned that kids who lose a parent at young age often have a fascination with it because they feel like they can relate to the pain. Anyways, I read lots too...on a much smaller high school girl kind of scale. I would have LOVED if they offered a class like that in college. I have a hard time reading such heavy stuff seems after having kids my heart can't handle such grim thoughts anymore. I'll definitely get that book though!!
I keep seeing this potato peel society book everywhere and your post inspired me to add it to me library request/hold list.
Thanks for the book review. I'll have to check it out!
Jacob's Courage is a tender coming of age love story of two young adults living in Salzburg at the time when the Nazi war machine enters Austria. This historical novel presents accurate scenes and situations of Jews in ghettos and concentration camps, with particular attention to Theresienstadt and Auschwitz. It explores the dazzling beauty of passionate love and enduring bravery in a lurid world where the innocent are brutally murdered.
Charles Weinblatt
Author, "Jacob's Courage"
You need to come hang out here in DC for a weekend we could have some great fun at the Smith and etc.. HEY can you email me? I've got a super secret question I need you to answer.. woooo sounds all special huh? not much though
that was a total Lifetime Television For Women kind of thing to day.
Have you read The Book Thief? Another of my favorites. Beautiful writing from the perspective of Death. Sounds creepy but it was excellent!
My husband is from Austria and his grandfather spent years in a concentration camp. His family has lots of fascinating stories of living in that area during that time, pre and post war.
2nd graders homwork until then! :)
I can't wait to get started.
Works for blogging too.
"You'll read one blog. And then a sidebar will catch your eye and lead you to another blog. And then a linky somewhere will lead you to another blog. And so on..."
I owe you big time for the guest post as my place. I've LOVED reading the tag lines.
I'm off to find the book you recommended.
New to your blog. Loving it so far!
And now I have yet another book to add to my ever growing stack by my night stand!
The Holocaust has always been something that has held me captive, even at the age of seven. I remember being frightened of something like that happening, and in my young mind, worrying that I was Jewish and Hitler's men were going to "get" me. It baffles me that there are people out "there" who claim that it didn't happen. is my shop that shows some of my notecards. I will be updating the look of the listings before the auction days. You can contact me at
Maybe someday soon I'll be able to access it *sigh*
Little Rockstar's Mom
I'm sitting down right now to email you about joining the Book Nook!
Visiting from SITS:)
Your blog is great - glad I found it - Thanks Shannon!