
So The Boy's baseball league plays Coach Pitch for the first half of Fall Ball and then Kid Pitch for the second half.

Last night, in the first inning, of the first game of kid pitch, my boy pitched.  

For the first time ever.  

He pitched only one inning (since CM is the manager, he doesn't want to seem like he is favoring his own kid).  

He struck out two batters and only hit one.  (It really hit the bat and then the kid, but he cried, so he took a base.)

Is he adorable or what?

I know this event is inconsequential to most of you. 

But to me, it signifies a boy, with not a single. sign. of. baby. left. 

And, I am feeling a little vehclempt.    


Anonymous said…
Beautiful pictures :) love the blog
Anonymous said…
"But he cried so he took a base"...can"t you just picture someone in the MLB doing that?

I know what you mean. Events like this hit mommies right in the heart with how our babies are growing.

Very cute pictures.Such concentration! Great form, and still ....adorable.
suzspeaks said…
He looks like a pro! So cute!
Aw, I remember those days. So sweet!
Amy said…
So cute in his uniform, he looks professonal, but really, won't he always be your baby? That's what I think about my nine year old.
CaraBee said…
He looks so grown up in his uniform! He is a cutie!
Lula! said…
Look at that perfect pitching stance...his mad skills...he is a future Big Leaguer. It makes me happy.

And aren't we glad he'll have no skanky groupies following his adorable self from hotel to hotel? Mrs. Libbey R. will be there to gently scold, "Back off, crack whore...he is MINE!"
Casey's trio said…
Great pictures! Looks like there is a lifetime of baseball games in your future. My older brother played while growing up and I have fond memories of going to his games in the warm summer evenings!
Trish said…
ah yes.....the same thing happened to me, except my moment was not during the game, it was after while we were on our way home and my eight year old asked if he could take his cup out yet........
that's when i knew he was a baby no more!

Nice form!!
Tiffany said…
Great photos! Hopefully he will always be your baby (in your heart). There are times with both my girls that something happens and it hits me- they are growing up so fast and the babies are gone. I know exactly how you feel.
Amy said…
Wow! He looks like a little pro out there. They grow just too darn fast!
Tami said…
He is so handsome!

More and more moments like these with my kids make me cry! I'm a sap :)
KimmyJ said…
Asss, I so know that feeling - one day and little boy and then suddenly - no kissing mom in public!!
Fabulous pictures! All boy, no baby! Sigh.
Jen said…
I do have to say that he is very, very cute, I mean handsome. You must be so sad, I mean proud.
Kaci said…
Very cute!! Nice action shots! Love the blog!
Kori said…
He's got a serious pitcher face going on there.

Awesome pics.
Heather said…
Elijah pitched for the first time this year, and I couldn't get enough of watching him play. Forget MLB, Little League is the place to be for excitement and true love of baseball.

I love his expressions. He is so intent.

And I love when you share pictures of your sweet boy.
Anonymous said…
I love little league baseball, it is simply the best! He looks like he is going to be a great pitcher! And it really helps to have a good first time pitching, it creates much confidence! Sorry baby is growning up, but I know you must be so proud! :)
Lauren W said…
Yay! That's such an exciting event :)
I'm glad that you got such great photos of the momentous occasion :)
Crazy Momma said…
Too stinking cute! That little man has quiet a pitcher's stance, great follow through...very nice! You may have a future Clemens on your hands (sorry, we are Red Sox fans around here...couldn't think of a Dodgers pitcher)!
Karol said…
"Take a moment, and talk amongst yourselves. Here's a topic.."

Love the reference! I know the feeling about the little boy leaving! My 6yr old is in flag football, and it's too much to watch sometimes!
Oy. They grow too fast!
First...I love the pictures. The deep concentration on his face. The breath that he is holding in until he releases that ball. Love it.

Second. I love German. German words make me smile. Like verklempt. But schadenfreude is the best :-)
Heather said…
He's getting sooooo big and he looks just like CM. *sniff sniff* I miss you guys.
Anonymous said…
He is very cute. I hated when I relized my boys were no longer babies but little men "sigh".

Great photos by the way!
Rayna said…
I love baseball stories and pics. Baseball is a huge part of my family's life.
How cute is your boy!
S Club Mama said…
oh! I'm tearing up with you here. But, wow, your boy has good form!!! Not that I'm a baseball fanatic (seriously, I don't like the game...and I played softball? takes WAY too long & is slow to me...anyway), but he looks like a real player not a little boy player (ok probably made the baby thing worse...sorry).

I'm done. But I feel for you.
Loved the pictures -- yeah he is not alittle boy any more. Thanks for sharing -- Much Love --

Rhea said…
I don't know this word, but I will GOOGLE it. I see from Kat's comment that it's German. Aha!

Your son is adorable. Or I should say, handsome! I love boys in baseball uniforms. They look so serious. Congrats on his pitching! That's awesome!

When my older son was at the first kid pitch age, I remember the baseball games taking FOREVER. Now the kid pitch games at his age (11 and 12) are awesome...these kids are amazing.

I'm rambling now...sorry.
Live.Love.Eat said…
Ha ha. I grew up on us all saying verklempt so it's always cute to hear.

And this is definitely not inconsequential because most have either had that feeling or will have it when we see our little boys growing up. You should be proud!!!!
Anonymous said…
Those pictures of your boy bring back memories! Love them. He's got a great stance, by the way. Is that what you call it? :O)

Anyway, I'm a newbie and wanted to say hello, so HELLO!

Carrie said…
Now that is a pitcher and not a belly itcher! And he's so adorable....
sassy stephanie said…
Heeeey batta batta batta!

Look at your little big man making other kids cry!! kidding!
Annikke said…
I hate those feelings of realizing they aren't my "baby" anymore! wahh
Susie said…
He has got some good form:-)
Swirl Girl said…
great pictures...

and not to be the only Member of the (original) tribe to comment...but the word is indeed Verklempt and it is Yiddish, which is a German ghetto language. The original Heb-onics!

swirl girl
Insane Mama said…
ALL Boy! And so cute!
Rhea- if you figure out the word, please enlighten me :)
Erin said…
I can't wait to go to Merrick's events!
They grow up sooo fast!!!
jori-o said…
great pics!
Kally said…
They grow up so fast. Seems like yesterday mine was a baby and now she is 9! Yikes!
scargosun said…
aww! He looks great! Really good form. He must have a great coach and mom to encourage him so. ;)
nikkicrumpet said…
Oh I remember those days so well...except my kid was usually the one getting hit!
-Bridget said…
Oh, how sweet! And what great photos!
S Club Mama said…
I do agree...this is the best of the best? But I'd hate to see the worst of the worst. Maybe I'll write you in!
Caroline said…
He is too, I mean "ruggedly handsome". My own hubby was a pitcher in high school and college, so we are consumed with all things baseball right now as you can imagine.

And he'll never be too old to need his mom in the stands to cheer for him.
Connie said…
Oh how the girls will be calling ~ anyday now ... really
Ash said…
Oh no, I completely understand. A couple of weeks ago, the Oldest's soccer team just wasn't clicking, and he was the only one to score - all three goals.

I doubt David Beckham's mom could be that proud.

Way to go Giants!

Jennie said…
I use that word all the time and people look at me like I am crazy... my 9 year old started pitching this year and when he is up there he looks like a little man and it makes me a bit sad...
Wep said…
Such a cutie :) :) :)
Wep said…
Such a cutie :) :) :)
Alison said…
He does look very grown-up. I know that day is coming for me.
Anna Lefler said…
OK, FINALLY getting my blogroll in order after the amazing blogathon - and adding you, of course!


They grow up too fast. But isn't fun to be proud mama of each stage?
what a big guy!!! You should make (fake) baseball cards of him at the end of the season. GREAT SHOTS by the way!
Tabitha Blue said…
Great photos!! Sounds like he did so well... all grown up. :)

I love to hear how proud you are of him, of how well he did... and "he cried so he took a base." Too funny.

Love your header too!

Anonymous said…
Those are great pics!!! But, made me sad with the no baby left.....I see that disappearing in Zander...its sad isn't it???
S Club Mama said…
also thanks for the comment, always feeling the love over here! And it's so hard to decide who to vote for. I really thought I'd be pro-Obama but the more I learned about him and his vote on certain issues, it just tore me to shreds. I'm McCain-Palin now, but I don't know if either candidate will be able to do anything about the economy, really.
Just Lisa said…
Oh, he's so handsome! He looks great!
Jenni said…
He's totally cute!!!! Great shots!
Jenni said…
He's totally cute!!!! Great shots!
Anonymous said…
Oh, mama! That is so awesome and sweet!
Glad your boy did so well!
Jen Shults said…
Beautiful pictures. Moments like these really do leave a lump in your throat don't they. So happy to see what they are becoming, so sad to see what is being left behind. ((hugs))
Anonymous said…
Love the pics...totally dislike the jersey. Why does CM lead the team in this direction? Is he really a Giants fan or did you pick the uniform as a metaphor for how "big" and talented the children are? Please say the latter...pretty please :) Other than that, TB is too darn cute and look at that form and ball player, for sure. I can't believe he's the same little guy that went to camp :)
Anonymous said…
All boy!
Anonymous said…
oh my god!!! he looks soooo cute,very pro like. I loved your blog you are so creative. love u miss you
Ginger said…
What a big boy!!! Can't believe how big he is, definitely grown since summer, and a lot! Good for him for pitching, that's so exciting!
Anonymous said…
He is a handsome young man...I know how proud you are..I have 2 sons, both grown now, but I'm still a proud mama.
Happy BATW..come visit me in Texas.
Clippergirl56 said…
He is so cute!! What concentration. I know you are proud.

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