So The Boy's baseball league plays Coach Pitch for the first half of Fall Ball and then Kid Pitch for the second half.
Last night, in the first inning, of the first game of kid pitch, my boy pitched.
For the first time ever.
He pitched only one inning (since CM is the manager, he doesn't want to seem like he is favoring his own kid).
He struck out two batters and only hit one. (It really hit the bat and then the kid, but he cried, so he took a base.)
Is he adorable or what?
I know this event is inconsequential to most of you.
But to me, it signifies a boy, with not a single. sign. of. baby. left.
And, I am feeling a little vehclempt.

I know what you mean. Events like this hit mommies right in the heart with how our babies are growing.
Very cute pictures.Such concentration! Great form, and still ....adorable.
And aren't we glad he'll have no skanky groupies following his adorable self from hotel to hotel? Mrs. Libbey R. will be there to gently scold, "Back off, crack whore...he is MINE!"
that's when i knew he was a baby no more!
Nice form!!
More and more moments like these with my kids make me cry! I'm a sap :)
Awesome pics.
I love his expressions. He is so intent.
And I love when you share pictures of your sweet boy.
I'm glad that you got such great photos of the momentous occasion :)
Love the reference! I know the feeling about the little boy leaving! My 6yr old is in flag football, and it's too much to watch sometimes!
Oy. They grow too fast!
Second. I love German. German words make me smile. Like verklempt. But schadenfreude is the best :-)
Great photos by the way!
How cute is your boy!
I'm done. But I feel for you.
Your son is adorable. Or I should say, handsome! I love boys in baseball uniforms. They look so serious. Congrats on his pitching! That's awesome!
When my older son was at the first kid pitch age, I remember the baseball games taking FOREVER. Now the kid pitch games at his age (11 and 12) are awesome...these kids are amazing.
I'm rambling now...sorry.
And this is definitely not inconsequential because most have either had that feeling or will have it when we see our little boys growing up. You should be proud!!!!
Anyway, I'm a newbie and wanted to say hello, so HELLO!
Look at your little big man making other kids cry!! kidding!
and not to be the only Member of the (original) tribe to comment...but the word is indeed Verklempt and it is Yiddish, which is a German ghetto language. The original Heb-onics!
swirl girl
Rhea- if you figure out the word, please enlighten me :)
They grow up sooo fast!!!
great pics!
And he'll never be too old to need his mom in the stands to cheer for him.
I doubt David Beckham's mom could be that proud.
Way to go Giants!
I love to hear how proud you are of him, of how well he did... and "he cried so he took a base." Too funny.
Love your header too!
Glad your boy did so well!
Happy BATW..come visit me in Texas.