Optimism Pays: Let's Get Linky With It.

Hi Ladies!

Welcome to the Optimism Pays Link Up!

Here's what is going down:

In celebration of fishful thinking's 5 ingredients, I will be highlighting one every few weeks.

Today, is OPTIMISM!

So, there are two ways and win and to participate.

1.  Link up below a blog post about optimism... a story, a photo with a caption, your thoughts on it...anything related to a positive outlook.  
2.  Make sure to refer people back here in that post to vote for you!
3.  If you want to play, but don't want to to post, you can leave a comment here with the 2 links you feel best represent optimism. 
4.  Click the fish in the top left corner (site meter will let me know you did!)
5.  As usual all my "followers" get an extra entry.

Oh, and if you use a picture, head on over to Cecily's place and link up to her Friday Photostory...that gets you 2 link ups for the price of one!!

Prize: Those who link up are entered to win a $35 gift card- their choice. 
Those who just comment are entered to win a $20 gift card- their choice.
{Those who do both of course get extra entries.. plus, you want to vote for yourself right?}

Contest ends Monday night 10 PM PST, so link up anytime before then!

{Don't forget to click that fish- the info is fabulous.}

PS- Fishful Thinking is looking for mom ambassadors with kids between the ages of 4 and 12, if you are interested, email me for details... this is a great opportunity for us moms! (vampmama@gmail.com)
Optimism Pays! Participants
1. Shalee-Be Speechless
2. Tiffany- R Family
3. Cecily- My Chaos My Bliss
4. greedygrace
5. Things I Like About my Church
6. Le Musings of Moi
7. Paula - Welcoming Spirit
8. Jamie :-) StampinMom
9. Joy
10. Mrs. Jelly Belly
11. Trenches of Mommyhoo
12. Amy Escape Into My Thoughts
14. A Wonderfully Crazy Life
15. Art Spectrum
16. Ivon
17. Keeping up with the Schultz Family/Amy
18. Ivon
19. Daris Day
20. Megan R.
21. Casey@ Quilao Triplets
22. Sera @ Laughing Through the Chaos
23. Cure CF 4 Reilly
24. 3 Bay B Chicks
25. Cecily R
27. Angie\'s Spot
28. Tiaras & Tantrums
29. Ryan Ashley Scott
30. Kandace - One Crazy Chick!
31. Jennsue wild
32. Alex the Girl
33. Heather
34. Karol@Mrs.Incredible
35. Jori
36. Future Mama@Baby Makin(g) Machine
37. Carissa @ GoodNCrazy
38. Kimberly@Take A Nothing Day
39. Alaskan Locavore? Yup!
40. Oz Girl
41. FranticMommy
42. Mammatalk
43. Holly Hearts Bowheads
44. The Caretaker
45. The A-Priori Mommy (a little late)
46. April Greer
47. Christyzee
48. Cutie Booty Cakes
49. Lolli @ Life is Sweet
50. Natalie
51. tristan
52. jen
53. Lora @ Take Me the Way I Am
54. Wildfire Belle
55. Sue Anderson

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


oh woo hoo I am number one!!!

That makes me so happy!

PS I clicked the fishy and I am a follower chica!
I had such a hard time trying to narrow it down to just ONE post for you. I'm a generally positive person and I had several posts that would have done, but I think I picked the right one. Plus I'm a follower and I'm a big fan of the Fishy!
Summer said…
Hey Mama!

Okay, I think I picked one that has really helped me in the hardest of times. Hopefully it helps other people too.

You know I follow.

I clicked the fishy AND I emailed you.

Just Lisa said…
I wrote you a little something!

(and I follow you.... and I clicked the fish.... oh, and Lisa rocks)
I had this long post in mind about being positive, but I went with a picture of my Punky & a 'Secret' link instead. Checkin' out the Fishful Thinking mom ambassador...sounds fun!

Jamie :-)
I'm a follower :o)
I clicked that delicious fish
And what the heck - I vote for myself - I have no shame!
I linked up an older post (hope I did it right) about putting a positive spin on things. It's really helped my outlook. Oops, forgot to click the fish - I'll do it now!
Sarahviz said…
Mine is up - it's about WARTS! Yum yum.
Amy said…
I am linked. I am a follwer and it took me HOURS to do my post. (sigh)
Anonymous said…
Eh, I'm a perfectionist and I don't like what a wrote.
Better go add something to my post about needing to have the most popular story....:)
Karol said…
I just stopped by Greedygrace's blog (just lisa, no filler) and I Love her post! I love this idea! I'm coming back to join the fun!!
Natalie said…
I wrote a story... what a great idea!
ch said…
This is a great challenge! I focus on optimism often, on my blog and in my life.
I've collected a series of post on my blog, to view.
Have a great day!
3 Bay B Chicks said…
Such a great idea, Tiffany. I loved checking out the feedback you are getting.

It is not my day to post on our blog, so I will instead submit two links that demonstrate my optimism:

1) The upside to blogging:

2) How to make the best out of playdates:

We are also a follower.

And I even made a little time to click the fish.

Diva Scrapper said…
Okay..I've posted a picture and my title is called Optimism Meets Serendipity. Thanks again. I hope you stop by.
Amy said…
I got mine up and ready to go. I have been thinking about this all week. Thanks for showing me a wonderful site and being able to really use it in my own life. Have a great day.
Oh and I vote for myself. XD
Diva Scrapper said…
Hi Tiffany..please help. I added the wrong link in #16...I corrected it in #18. Could you please delete #16. Thanks
Diva Scrapper said…
Hi Tiffany..please help. I added the wrong link in #16...I corrected it in #18. Could you please delete #16. Thanks
Diva Scrapper said…
I clicked on the Fish..and I'm a follower too. I've posted to Cecily also.
I'll be back later to continue read the others posts.
Have a great day!
Unknown said…
What a great idea! I love this contest! I am now a follower and this got my day off to a great start :)
Megan said…
And of course, I am totally voting for myself!! :)
Megan said…
Oh and I clicked the fish...love the fish. What a great site.
Casey's trio said…
Thanks for being my inspiration today....I always participate in PSF with Cecily but didn't have anything to post about today. But you inspired me--Thank you!
Sera said…
I'm linked up, I follow, and I clicked the fishy. Woo hoo!
Anonymous said…
I love this contest! It is wonderful to hear GOOD things, for a change, rather than all the bad we hear on the news. I have linked up with Mister Linky, and my only difficulty was figuring out which post to use! I'm also a follower.
Anonymous said…
I clicked the fish, too!
Susie said…
I love all the optimism I am seeing around the blogosphere today:-)
Cecily R said…
Ah, Tiffany...you're a peach. An optimistic, rockin' peach. :)
i am loving this. what a beautiful thing you are doing tiffany. thank you.
I clicked the fish!

And greedygrace's post is awesome!
Angie's Spot said…
I've linked my post and clicked on the fish.

I'm also a devoted follower!

And I vote for me. :-)
tiarastantrums said…
okay - I have linked up - visiting from SITS
tiarastantrums said…
I'm already linked to Cecily too!
Michelle said…
I'm voting for my friend Angie over at Seven Clown Circus. :)
So of course I'm voting for myself. ;) This is one.
I am also voting for Tattooed Minivan Mom's post - I love her interview and how she integrated the Fishful Thinking activity into her post. There's 2:
I'm also a follower, of course!
AND I clicked the fish - which has become quite the habit lately.
Brandy said…
Since the title of my post today includes the words "Suck it" and I'm PMSing, I don't think I qualify for the whole optimism thing sooooo....

I vote for TMM. Cause I was mean to one of her commenters. And I want to be forgiven. Plus she rocks.
Tiff, I posted and I'm a follower AND I clicked the fish! So, there! Enter meeeeeeeeeeeeeee, please :)
Jen Sue Wild said…
What a postive uplifting thing to do!
I am so glad to be in a bloggy world with women like you.

I linked i am a fallower and I clicked on the fish.

Thanks again for doing this.
Alex the Girl said…
I have clicked that fish so many times in the past that I've run out of bait.
Anonymous said…
Okay, I put up a post and linked.

I'm a follower. I drank the punch.

I clicked your fish baby.

What are we voting on? The one we like the best?

Mine of course. :)
Heather said…
I'm on it.

Great idea for a post, Tiffany!

Going to click on the fish now.
Amy said…
I am here to vote for Angie at SevEn CloWn CiRcus. She has a great way of using optimism in her life.
Amy said…
I am already a follower.
Amy said…
I am going to click on the fish.
Netti said…
I vote for Daris Day's optimistic post. She is ALWAYS happy and always looks for the best in all situations.
jori-o said…
You rock. I love that you pointed me to good ol' Matt again today. I neded a warm & fuzzy. Thanks =)
April said…
I vote for TMM!
Suzanne said…
i vote for the quilao trips!!!!
Jennifer said…
It was hard for me picking an "optimistic" one but i think this one pics... I'm "optimistic" that I'll have the first grandchild ;o)
Jennifer said…
I clicked the fish, (did the quiz already over at SITS) left a link in Mr. Linky and vote for me :) haha! Hope I win!

Oh, I'm not sure if it matters but I'm following you too!

This is Katie. As in, of Josh and Katie whose marriage you created (and whose wedding you when to last year).

So how do you have this secret blog life I never knew about and how is yours SO much more successful than mine? (kidding. kind of).

But seriously? The world grows smaller everyday.

See you in June.
Kimberly said…
I've been here before...I'm not always a good commenter, but I love your site. I have a great optimism story that I linked up with. :) Plus, I follow you! :)
Kimberly said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kimberly said…
P.S. I screwed up the whole link thing and so 38 is not a good link! Sorry...you'd think I didn't know how to use a computer or something! :)
Ash said…
Running crazy with Spring Break, but here's my 100th Post - 100 things for which I am grateful...


And you already know I worship and follow your optimistic (evidently nice smelling) booty. :-) Em
I like to think of myself as not just a follower, but one of your greatest fans.

As much as I want to vote for myself, I'm going to have to go with Casey with Quilao Triplets.
Laura said…
Linked up with my post about Alaskan Locavore-in the dead of winter it just screams optimism right?
Girl Tornado said…
I've added my link, a fun story with photos, and I've joined your blog as a follower. I've also added my story to Cecily's PSF and joined her blog as a follower... I clicked the fish, but regretfully my lil kid is 27 and he and his wife have not blessed me with grandchildren YET, they sure are trying though! :) Oh yeah, I'm also voting for myself, because every now and then I'm selfish like that...
FranticMommy said…
How fun! Compliments don't hurt or cost money. Give as many (genuine)one as you can make people's day!
Mammatalk said…
Loooove the idea! I am now a follower (what took me so long!?) and I pompously vote for Mammatalk (that would be me!).
I vote Daris Day! She is one of the happiest people I know :)
Jen said…
I am so sorry that I missed this. I have been seeing some great stories of around the blogosphere.
Tawnya Torres said…
I am a follower in hopes of winning!!! I clicked on the fishy too.
Amy said…
I am here to vote for number 42 which is Mamma talk.
Amy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shannon said…
I've clicked the fish and I'm a follower :)

My votes go to Angie's Spot... and yours! I just watched that video again... love it!
April Greer said…
Okay...so hope I'm doing this right. Wrote a blog, clicked the fish, typed in Mr. Linky, included a photo, linked at Cecily's and put you on my blog. I'm also a follower. And of course I vote for me...I'm brilliant! Haaa
Although I'm sure there is something I forgot. Maybe I should tweet for you too???
christyzee said…

I don't want to screw up your post linky thingy, so I am leaving my link here as well....I linked twice, thanks hun!
I totally vote for MEGAN from http://www.justformeandyou2.blogspot.com. She has really gone through some rough times lately but NEVER complains and is one of the happiest people I know!
Unknown said…
I wrote a post that fits right in to this theme. I am linked and a follower. Now I will click the fish.
Unknown said…
This is exactly what I needed to do this morning. I'm just sad I didn't find this earlier this weekend. Thanks for this! I have clicked the fish, I'm a follower, and now I have the blog post written. Oh! And I sent you an email, too. Have a great week!
Unknown said…
PS--can I vote for myself, too? Go Lolli! LOL
Snarky Belle said…
Ok, I'm in! I am a follower of yours, I have clicked the fish,and wrote my post.

I usually don't like to vote for myself, but for the sake of remaining optimistic about my chances of winning, I vote for me! :) Thanks a ton!
Tristan said…
OOOPPPPPSSSS! I thought I was commenting..but accidently entered!

You can take me off if you want..lol!

I'm voting for #8
jen said…
Natalie gets my vote. Not feeling too creative or optimistic today
Lora said…
I'm leaving a link...hopefully it can be an older post! :0)
Wendyrful said…
My vote goes to Take a nothing day... with Yellow Shoes.
Karen said…
Love this idea. My vote goes to Natalie!! Love her insight and her ability to touch me with words.
I vote for Lolli!!! (#49) She just saved the day by posting exactly what I needed to hear on a day like today! Definitely needed a little extra optimism today. (And PS the baby is mine! :)
karen said…
Natalie gets my vote - she always gets me thinking, and today it got me thinking optimistically!
Here are my two links, I clicked the fish, but I also want to give a vote to Lolli @ Life is Sweet's for her optimism post:)

Great blog.. Hope I did this right..


http://flutterbyechronicles.blogspot.com/2009/03/bernice-at-my-journey-gave-me-such.html ,The Sunday part is the optimism:)
Here are my two links, I clicked the fish, but I also want to give a vote to Lolli @ Life is Sweet's for her optimism post:)

Great blog.. Hope I did this right..


http://flutterbyechronicles.blogspot.com/2009/03/bernice-at-my-journey-gave-me-such.html ,The Sunday part is the optimism:)
Missy said…
Here to vote for Kimberly's yellow shoes story (Take a Nothing Day...) She's the best! She is just as much of an optimist in real life as she is in her story!
Anonymous said…
I am "casting" my vote in the pool for "Natalie!"
Em said…
i vote for natalie!!!! #50! i love my snarky belle;-)
Rachel Mohat said…
Mrs Natlie all the way!
Susan Anderson said…
I put a link to my optimism post here, and I also want to vote for Natalie #50 from Snarky-Belle, who gave me the idea to come visit here in the first place and is one of my very favorite bloggers!

Anonymous said…
I Vote for the Quilao Triplets!

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