"Real" is a Relative Term.

So I have a secret love.

No, it's not another man.

It's a women.

Well, actually 5 of them.

{Six, if you count Laurie.}

I love the Real Housewives of Orange County.

 {"Real"  oh the irony.}

I just watched the "reunion episode", man, it cracks me up.  

Grown women bickering, accusing, crying, lying.. oh, it was just all so good.

Vicki's face every time she disagreed with something... priceless.  I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head!  I love that she said Lynn made her cry... yeah right.  She eats a Lynn every morning for breakfast.

Tamara- you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you'll never take the trailer park out of the girl!

Jeana- Could you make more excuses for your rude, obnoxious son?

Lynn- even her crying was delayed by 20 minutes... it's like she got the insults a half hour later.  She is my least favorite... and could her legs have had anymore spray tan on them? Weird.

Gretchen- as much as I don't want to believe Tamara's story about the boyfriend, it's probably true.  Can I just say how much I love Gretchen's hair?  

Laurie- she looks like a horse with a blond wig and a dress.  Never liked her.

So, now that you know how I really feel....

Can I tell you another secret?

I have the whole season on the dvr.... muuuuuhahahahahaha....

You'd think being from So Cal, I wouldn't be so interested.

It's not the location, or even the money.  It's the women.  

They are crazy.

And I love it.


Oh man me too! Tamara is my fave, she is just funny to me. Oh, and the episode where jeanas son was being extra stupid, when they went out for his game, oh man I wanted to reach through the tv and slap him silly! What a jerk. I hope he never lands any more tail after girls see what a jerk he is! I am not so much a fan of lynne either, she just seems so... hmmm. tame I guess. I love me some real wives of OC though!!! Oh, and dont let me forget about simon, definitely my fave husby on the show!
I have never seen this show, but crazy, bickering, lying women? I just might have to check it out! Although it might seem too much like my job for any real enjoyment. :)
Becky said…
Ha, I'll come out of lurkdom for them!! LOVE IT!

I totally love the NYC group too.. the things that come out of bethany's mouth CRACK ME UP! Her and Tamara are too funny.

Yay for "real" TV!!
MsTypo said…
We all have guilty pleasures. Mine is The Hills. I just can't wait to see what new and horrible thing Spencer is going to do next.

I just started watching Real Housewive and can already tell it's going to be a great new addiction! :p
mommytoalot said…
I have never seen an episode.
We get the REal Housewives of Orange County ..but not NY>.
I'd get a laugh out of it I'm sure.
Unknown said…
ive never seen this but it sounds as if it could rapidly become another guilty addiction like... the bachelor :)!!!!!
Anonymous said…
This is what I live each day at work...nannying for the upper class....it gets old after awhile!
Kathy B! said…
I don't know what it is about this show?! It should be repulsive and instead I find myself glued to every.last.word.

My DH gives me a hard time about it, but I can see him watching out of the cornere of his eye ; )
Amy said…
I have seen this show before. I watch it during the day sometimes. I love all of the clothes and wonder how these ladies pull it off. It is a pretty funny show at times.
S Club Mama said…
when I'm channel surfing I'll stop to watch. I don't know their names but they're funny.
EC said…
I love the housewives too! :)
Summer said…
Funnnny! I posted about them today too.

It's a train wreck, and I just can't look away. I'm addicted.

I may in fact need a 10 step program to detach.
Tenakim said…
amen- amen- amen! I just left a comment at McMommywood- we are sharing a RHOC BRAIN!
And here I thought I was the only one who was addicted to this silly show.

But...I'm totally missin' Jo.

And, honestly, Tamara KILLS me! Can they send her back to the trailer park yet?
Heidi said…
i totally miss Jo too!!! They all are a bunch of spoiled brats, but I watched the show with such anticipation! LOL! I think the worst is Vicki, she is AWFUL...she needs to get over herself. I found your blog from SITs! I love it!
Sera said…
I caught the show one time, and it sure does hook ya. It's so bad, but so good. :)
Swirl Girl said…
I DVR'd the reunion show. Can't wait to watch.

and- The New York gals are so much more hate-able. Set your DVR now!
Brandy said…
I love this show too! And I agree Lynn is a little...mmm...odd to say the least. Jeanna didn't get much talk time at all since the drama was between the blondes on the show.

And I like Gretchen. She might be a lying skank whore but I choose to think not. Hands down she had the best hair.

Speaking of hair...wtf is going on with Tamara's head? It always looks like crap. Honey, sell that ugly tennis bracelet. Get a decent hair style and think about joining Momma on the facelift bandwagon.
TuTu's Bliss said…
LOL I have never watched this. I think I wouldn't like it as much as liked your run down though. I get my other tv wrap ups from Mama Kat and Italian Mama. They crack me up too!
Heather said…
I have not watched this deliciousness, but now I am intrigued...
Anonymous said…
I watch this show (and the spin offs) every time I channel surf by it... It's like a train wreck. I should be ashamed to look - but I just can't help myself!
Ash said…
Do they have any plans for a Marathon? I missed out on this!!

They so need to do a "Real Housewives" spin off for Dallas - it would get good and ugly, yet still polite. Southern charm and all...
i just had a conversation with a friend today about the shows that drag me in...forgot about this one! haha
lov said…
seriously LOVE your blog and the way you write!!!
Jen said…
gotta love some crazy women.
Anonymous said…
I love that you posted this!! I was laughing through half of it and shocked through the other half! Vicki's face was priceless to say the least. Poor Lynn, I couldn't help but laugh. Gretchen.... I don't even know what to say. Jeana really seemed to be playing both sides. Seems a little two faced to me. Tamra, WOW, I think she is still in high school. SO GREAT!
Finding Normal said…
Ditto. Times 5. Love it. Love to hate them. NYC is good, but I think Orange County is the best.
One of my other guilty pleasures just started--High School Reunion. It's on TVLand this year. 15 or so people spend 3 weeks in Hawaii, and rehash their issues from high school. Hall passes, detentions, a prom at the end. LOVE IT!
Casey's trio said…
I just got hooked to the Orange County Housewives this season....it's such a trainwreck, but I can't stop watching. I was able to get Season 1 on Netflix, but the other 2 haven't been released yet. Boo!
Live.Love.Eat said…
I JUST started getting into the NY one since that's where I am from. You just can't help but watch, it's like a train wreck. Awful but you can't help but look. However, the show is a great reminder of how women should not behave, caddy & pretentious.
Shannon said…
Sounds like I'm missing all the fun... have never seen an episode of this show!
Anonymous said…
As you know, I'm hooked too.

But when was the reunion episode on and why didn't my DVR catch it!!!
Kally said…
Oh mah gosh! I am jealous. The package we have with Comcast does NOT include Bravo and miss my housewives :( Maybe you could say hi for me? I wonder if I can download eps off the Internetz :)
sassy stephanie said…
I.am.with.ya. I so love this show.
Christina said…
I love that show. My boyfriend and I like to refer to it as The Real Desperate Housewives of Orange County. The ridiculousness of it all is just super-duper entertaining - how can you not love it?!?!?
3 Bay B Chicks said…
Tiffany's blog? Oh my! It is like I stumbled upon the holy grail in blogland. Why have I not been here before? More importantly, why are we not following? We heart our SITSas long time for allowing us to indulge in Wenda, so the least I can do is make our love official.

Off to read your best posts, but before I go, I must ask how I can become a hostess with the mostess...aka a Welcomista? I can forward my resume, if needed, but I must tell you that I am a pretty damn good commenter. :)

Jaime said…
I watched part of the first season, and thought the ladies were just so silly that I couldn't stand it. I might have to put it on my netflix again & see what I think.
Love the show. Jeana is my favorite b/c she doesn't bs around but her kids are jerks. The daughter used to be nice. Tamara is a trailer trash chicky and the way she looks down on everyone. I want to like Laurie, I do but she has too much money. Vicki is a hot mess every week, I get tired just watching her.
Great blog, it is my first time here.
Connie said…
I'm there with you! I've attempted the Altanta and NY version but it just isn't as good as CA. Did you see the CA girls on lady O? A show about trying different clothing stlyes. It was funny as heck to listen to Vicki talk about how they'd never wear the dark colors they were dolled up in for the show. Yup ~ so totally CA ... the brighter the better I say!
Queenie Jeannie said…
I'd like to have a Vicki punching bag!!! She is someone that is so easy to HATE!!! And I'm not a hater kind of person.

Gretchen is too beautiful for her own good. And call me a skeptic, but I don't think she's with her husband for the money. Jus' sayin'.....
Aunt Julie said…
You know, my daughter is hooked on these gals...and I don't get it. I think you need a more "in-depth" post to explain the fascination. I much prefer watching The OC!
AndreaLeigh said…
i can't sand tamara and vicki. ugh!
Wendy said…
oH I love this show too!

Vicki is so on her own little Vicki world. She was so rude to poor Lynn, who by the way has no clue to what is going on...

Gretchen, I am just not sure about this poor girl, did you see her real friends when they had that naughty party, definetly trailer trash!

She should be kicked out, she is not even a housewife.

Jeanna, what is her deal? get a grip and get on with yur life!!

My 2 cents! Thanks for sharing!
Sarahviz said…
It's like watching a train wreck isn't it? I love to hate them! And I just can't seem to tear myself away.

(I love Bethanny on RHW of NY.)
Here from SITS. I also LOVE The Housewives. That show is so darn addicting and fabulous in that horribe train wreck can't stop watching kind of way.
Vanessa said…
Oh I'm so there. By the way, I gave you the Sisterhood award... http://michaelgrace.blogspot.com/2009/03/sisterhood-award.html No pressure, its just for fun.
Ashley said…
Oh Gosh me too! I am addicted to that show since day 1! I love Tamara. She is just way too funny. Vicki kills me. Jeana is ok. Gretchen - I just dont understand her. Lynn is a little too out there for me. Are you watching the New York Housewives...they are not as good as the OC but still funny. I about died watching the housewives of Atlanta.

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