The Art of the Eyebrow

The first time I had my eyebrows waxed I was 16. It changed my life.

The well designed eyebrow can enhance your entire face.  And seriously add to your femininity.

You look younger, more refreshed and manicured with the right brow.  

I actually think people with good eyebrows are just happier and nicer.

Better people in general.  

Today, I took eyebrow art to a whole new level.


It was awesome.  

I had been hearing about it for quite a while and it just couldn't believe that a piece of thread moving quickly over your skin could get rid of little hairs.

But it does.  By the root.  And it lasts longer than waxing.

What really pushed me into this new hair removal dimension was when I heard that waxing can actually speed up the aging process, effecting collagen in the waxed areas.  

Leaving you with sagging lids.

Um, no thanks.

So I went. I was threaded.  And, now I am back to being a perfect.


PS. This post is riddled with sarcasm. Don't leave me unnecessary comments about me not being perfect. I am well aware.

PPS.  It did hurt a bit... waxing is like one big, quick pain.  Threading was like a dull pain for more time.  I was WAY less red and puffy too.  And, for only $10. totally worth it.


larkswing said…
Neat! I heard someone talking about it a couple months ago, but I have no idea if anyone where I live provides this ...I skip waxing since I was scorched- yikes!!
Aubrey said…
You're too funny for your own good Tiffany!
My eyebrows suck. They grow downwards and are a pain to shape. Yours look FAB!
jori-o said…
You do have gorgeous eyebrows, woman! And I wouldn't believe anyone who said you were anything less than perfect! ;)
Maternal Mirth said…
What? No one is perfect? Have you met me???? (kidding)

Also, have always wanted to get threaded just never got around to it. You have motivated me!
Kori said…
Girl. I am so about my eyebrows too. I get like super paranoid if they look all bad and stuff.

And I think you are perfectly AWESOME.
Rhea said…
Beautiful!! I've never heard of this THREADING process. I will never need it...because I have no eyebrows. Alas, woe is me. I look like a ghost. Every now and then I dye them to get them to show up. They suck.
AndreaLeigh said…
Wow, it looks great! I actually own a wax pot and used to wax my own brows but I stopped b/c I'm convinced all that tugging and pulling is terrible and leads to lines and wrinkles. I'll have to try threading... somtimes plucking gets old.
Unknown said…
threading is so wonderful and your eyebrow looks great. I love having my eyebrows threaded - I will get it done when I am in NY in a couple of weeks.
Swirl Girl said…
can you come over and thread my legs?
Jenners said…
Never heard of it but I'm interested. I inherited my dad's eyebrows, which look like two caterpillars settled above my eyes. I kid you not. At times, I've considered having them surgically removed (if that is possible) and just getting tattoos. Keep us updated if it really works. I'm a little skeptical! And does it cost a lot?
did it hurt??
looks good.. no sagging from here... :)
Jen said…
Mmmmm, this threading is intriguing. I may have to check it out more. Nice brow, btw.
CaraBee said…
My best friend is Indian and she introduced me to threading years ago. I love it! Which is lucky because I'm allergic to waxing and plucking just takes too long.
Alison said…
I want to try threading. I have thick eyebrows too and I get so tired of plucking them every other day--plus it's never as good as when a professional does it. I have a hard time spending the money on me, though.
Heather said…
Okay, Swirl Girl is cracking me up. 'Cause if you're gonna get your legs done, why stop there...Can they thread everywhere? What would that be called? A Brazilian thread?

Oh, My.

BTW, your eyebrow looks amazing. You should have shown before and after so we could get the whole effect :)

And your eyeball is the exact same color as mine. Weird.
Shelley said…
I have never heard of threading. What is that?
Caroline said…
Lovely. Perfect thickness, great arch...stunning.
Mamarazzi said…
oh i looooove threading!

they looks amazing!
Anonymous said…
Well, that eyebrow looks great! Did it hurt?
Anonymous said…
Does it hurt more or less than waxing??? They look great and I didn't convert to waxing till I was well into my 20s...never looked back but I'm down for anything that doesn't encourage the aging process :P
I didn't know that waxing affected the aging process. Very good info! Now I need to find someone around here who does threading. I love that it lasts longer too, I'm so lazy when it comes to stuff like that!
I have heard about threading...I hear it's supposed to hurt less than waxing. But...I have never done either. I don't even pluck. But I can't imagine ever getting that gorgeous arch that you have.
Shannon said…
Lookin' good!

I've heard about threading. I might give it a try, if I could find a place around here that does it. I've only had my brows waxed once... I just pluck them, but even then I don't do it regularly. Oops.
suzspeaks said…
You do have GREAT brows!

So..please do tell: did it hurt & how much was it?
Lula! said…
I'm sorry, but did we not talk today?

We did.

You mentioned nothing of this.

Girl, we are breaking up.

OK, I'm over it. I need more scoop on this threading deal. Even though it doesn't exist here. Guess I'll have to come to you and have it done. Can we eat at Rosa's before? And afterward?
I've heard it has perfect results...but that it hurts.....your brows look great!
nikkicrumpet said…
Hmmm since my eyelids...well a better term would be eyepouches are already drooping down to my chin. I'm pretty sure it's too late to worry about the effects of waxing! But dang that is one pretty eyebrow!
Heather said…
I've always envied your brows. They arch so nicely.
Anna Lefler said…
Man, that is one snazzy brow. I could use some of that therapy, believe me. Maybe then people would stop mistaking me for Lou Ferrigno.

That would be nice.


Soulflower said…
they look great! girl i've been telling you to get on the thread-train for a while! I LOVE my threader! Going to see her tomorrow! Woooo-woooooo!
Rachel said…
Sounds good! I'll have to check that out sometime! I never knew waxing sped up the aging process...
Schmerica said…
Love me your brows...I've never gotten my done, wax or thread. Threadin sounds like the way to go...hmmmmmm

TuTu's Bliss said…
Okay you have great eyebrows!! My sis held me down in my teens and gave me a torture plucking..she took off 1/2 my eyebrow..ahhh sister love. It NEVER really grew back..sniff sniff
The Muse said…
Brave, brave woman!
Kristen said…
Wow never heard of threading your eyebrows....glad my are naturally arched. I do have other facial hair issues but that's anothe post.
Anonymous said…
Ok....give er up dear....where do you go to get threaded???? Am I a little behind the times or what? Can't wait to try it, all this time I've never worried about my that why I'm not happier, prettier...sheesh, why didn't some telling me this secret long ago, my family would have thanked you! HEHE!
Whitney said…
Thanks for adding me so quickly on to the e-mail list!

Your eyebrows look fabulous!!! Oh, where oh where can you get this done?! And for only $10?! I'd just throw away my tweezers, I'd never tweeze again!

Seriously though, it looks fabulous.
Heather said…
Wanted to let you know, I left you a little something on my blog today. And a birthday note for Lula. Check it out when you get a chance.

Have a great day with your beautiful new brows!
Lynn said…
Nice brows... no Brooke Shields look for you!!!!
I discovered threading two years ago and love it! I had electrolosis for years to tame the furry caterpillars that were my eyebrow and then just plucked to maintain shape--but having a pro thread them to the perfect shape is priceless--or merely $10. You are so right about sporting a good pair of brows!
Anonymous said…
You are so funny and delightful to read! :) I have never heard of such a thing...threading...does sound neat though! I dont wax either because of the aging effects...yikes!
LeLe said…
Never heard of threading, I must try it, if i can get the guts to do it. I've never plucked or waxed, scared what I may look like, but at the same time I do feel that I have too fat of eyebrows. Thanks for the tip!
Crazy Momma said…
What is this phenomenon that you call threading?! Seriously!

I H-A-T-E waxing. But once you start you can't stop. So I go. Every FREAKING ten days. I scream (no joke, the girls in the salon laugh at me) EVERY FREAKING time...

Threading sounds nice.
Anonymous said…
so, if i were to ask you which i should do, which wold you recommend?? can just anyone do this?? or do i need to hunt for womone who has skills?? lol **wolf whisltes** nice brows!!
S Club Mama said…
Oh man, I think you have great eyebrows either way, but I don't do anything to my eyebrows! They're blond...if someone notices, boo to them. haha
Mammatalk said…
Waxing speeds up the aging process?!! I had NO idea! Thanks for sharing. Fabulous eyebrows, by the way!
{leah} said…
I've never tried threadingbut I can tell you that wax does change you life. I was bushy until 22! (shhh don't tell anyone that it took that long)I feel better when my eyebrows aren't weighing me down.
I seem to lack enough eye brow to remove any extra hairs..but I would thread if I did!
Found you on sits...
Pam said…
i totally want to try threading. i keep seeing & hearing about it. your eyebrows look great!

i'm glad i joined SITS :)
Unknown said…
my mom used to use NAIR and a tooth pick to do my eyebrow removal i ever had
Ash said…
I so want to try that! I have been gun shy about getting my eyebrows "professionally" done ever since a waxer left my upper eyelids raw - yeah, nice.

And Georgie - Nair around the eyes? I'm wincing!

It looks nice. I forgot about threading, need to give it a try since the last time I had them waxed it looked like I had huge hives on my eyes. :)
Joanna said…
Way to rawk the eyebrow. Looks good! I haven't heard about this. Merry SITSmas!
debi9kids said…
Interesting! I had seen something on the news about this a while back, but have yet to a matter of fact, my poor brows have been seriously neglected.

Another idea... you could do like my then 13 yr old daughter and just take a razor and SHAVE THEM OFF! Seriously destroyed our Easter portrait!

Merry SITSmas!
Anonymous said…
Sounds so tempting--I have the worst eyebrows ever, I am quite sure, lol. But darn it, I am also the worst scaredy cat ever!
Ashley said…
Great work! I've heard about this but haven't done it yet. May try that instead of waxing next time.
Orah said…
I just found your blog and I share in your groomed eyebrow love. I have been THREADING my eyebrows since the mid 90's by a lovely Indian woman. However, I moved to another state for two and 1/2 years and searched and searched, but could not find a threader. I resorted to my own tweezing or waxing, but every time I went back home for a visit, I made sure my eyebrows had time to grow in and then I visited my eyebrow lady. When my husband said we can move back to Chicago, I started writing a book entitled "My eyebrow lady and 100 other reasons I need to move back to Chicago" No joke!! And she only charges five dollars.
Tenakim said…
That's a perfect eyebrow! I may have to try that- never heard of it, but I agree- happy eyebrows=happy people!
I love a good eyebrow actually relaxes me. That reminds me...I am due for one!! :)
Michaelle said…
I have been wanting to try that. $10 was all you paid? That's cheap!

I wonder how they do threading. Seems complicated, doesn't it?
KatBouska said…
What about plucking? What does that do for the aging process?? My waxer lady took off half my damn eyebrow last night. I'm none to pleased bout that.

Yours ARE perfect!! In a perfect CW kind of way!
Caitlin said…
Wow! I'll have to check that out. I also have dark (WAY darker than my head hair), thick, cowlick-y eyebrows. Threading may be my (and my husbands') salvation.
I just found your blog, and I love it!
LORI said…
Anonymous said…
Never heard of it? Weird. Is it like a mini sewing machine?

Nice brows...that's what she said.
Connie said…
You mean I'd have to give up the 'red, itchy, I'm allergic to your wax or oil' look ... say it isn't so!!!
Carrie said…
I've heard it's awesome, but I've never gotten it done. Instead, I prefer to waste 6,457,982 hours plucking them out one by one...
Jewel Allen said…
Really?? I'd seen this done somewhere and it looked like it'd hurt. But I don't want sagging lids!!

This is great to know. Cool brows!
Dee said…
i need this, bad...
Kate said…
I've been hearing about it for quite some time but have been afraid to try it....maybe I will work up my courage soon!
Jen said…
Ok, I MUST find someone who does this mysterious threading thing you speak of. It sounds very intriguing to me. Thanks for the heads up!
RamblingMother said…
def a braver woman than I!
Anonymous said…
This is the first time I've heard of threading. Where have I been?
LCO's said…
They really do look perfect tho! Lucky those out there who have eyebrows, I was born with blond eyebrows which my sister started dying when I was 13. I know your excitement sista!
Dawn said…
Don't you just think it is so cool?? I posted about this very thing awhile back. My 10 year old daughter had it done. Here's the link:

You've got a great blog! I found through SITS!
Ginger said…
Um, excuse me? $10?????? AND your eyebrows looked great like that afterwards! I am so looking into this. Mine are heading towards foresty at the moment!
Danielle said…
I've never heard of this and am SO intrigued!! I hate waxing...

off to google!


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