Wine. Fun. And More Wine.

Man, we had fun this weekend.  Fancy Meatloaf, Wine, Mexican Food, Wine, Patio Dining, Wine, Shopping, Wine, Pancakes, Wine, Twilight Movie, Wine, Gay Gas Station Employees, Wine, Cackling Laughter, Wine Tasting, Wine, New Friends, Wine, More Laughter.

We made all kinds of new friends....

This is us at the movie theatre... see how I'm smiling?  Yeah, the movie hadn't started yet.  This picture was taken by Casey, a blogger who we met in line, she and her friend were so much fun!
This picture originally had Tattooed Minivan Mom... but she forgot her Darth Vader mask, so she can't be posted.  

This was our "wine guy" at the first vineyard.  Our tour included 5 tastes, we ended up leaving having tried 8...good wine guy.

These ladies (Amy, Tonda and Sharon) even joined us for dinner after the tour was over!

We had some serious fun.


Mamarazzi said…
looks like it was a BLAST!!

i am cracking up about TMM and the darth vadar mask. i heart her!
S Club Mama said…
Looks like you had SO much fun!
S Club Mama said…
And you're right. Big A loves me So much...I'm not sure how I got so blessed, but I'm sure glad I did. :)
Anonymous said…
I <3 Wine!
Looks like so much fun!
Caroline said…
LOVE the pictures! I'm so glad you girls got all crazy with your bad selves. I think my favorite picture is of you all with the gas station attendants.
Caroline said…
Let me clarify which picture...the picture on Lula's blog. Hilarious.
Come on, stop dissing my movie. Can't you just PRETEND you liked it? I read your review before I saw it and then all I could think of was "Edward looks like he's going to puke". But then I got past that and I was good-I was able to focus on the vamp goodness. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Swirl Girl said…
I feel like I am playing a great big game of Treasure Hunt...just waiting for more risque pix as I go from blog to blog....

the only thing missing here {{sniff}} is me and Mariah!
Kori said…
So when are you coming to Alabama?

Loved talking to you if only for a second.

Looks like you girls had a great time!
Anonymous said…
Loved reading all your stories! Pictures were awesome! Glad you had such a good girls weekend!!!
CaraBee said…
What fun you gals must have had! I miss wine. Sigh.
Anonymous said…
So, did you say you had wine this weekend?

I think the AM/PM picture is gonna go down as one of the best pictures in blogging history. AND I TOOK IT! I know, I'm good.
Fun! And I love the making-friends-wherever-you-go business.
Anonymous said…
You guys are too cute! Looks like you had a great time ;)
jori-o said…
Looks like fun was had by all!
Lula! said…
Oh, your pictures are so much better than mine. And by your pictures, I mean the ones of YOU...because you are incapable of taking a bad shot. Darn you.

But oh, we did have fun. It was worth the sickness...and the craziness that ensued from that...and on and on and on.

I need Rosa's in a big way now. With wine. Oh, but I do...especially after this afternoon.
Jenni said…
Woo Hoo! Glad you girls had such a good time!
Summer said…
Just finished commenting on Heathers. =) Sounds much more fun then the bedtime battles and tantrums I got to experience in SoCal this weekend!

Ha ha!

awww --- so fun!!! wish Z's mom and I could have gone with!!
Heather said…
And this is why we're photoshop me. And I will love you forever for it. I look dreamy and dewey and without multiple chins.
Michelle said…
My gosh, you all look beautiful. Did you see my pictures from Friday night, please.

I am glad you all had a great time. That Lula can drink can't she (just kidding, not really).

So sorry the movie let you down. I so totally loved it. Saw it twice and seeing it again tomorrow night. Try it again.
Anonymous said…
Looks like so much fun!!!!!!!!
Jen said…
Looks like a great time!
I love what you did to the pictures. They look so dreamy! Very vintage...

And your weekend just sounds amazing. I love the picture of you eating Mexican. It looks like a "I'll have what she's having" moment...
Wep said…
Casey's trio said…
GOOD TIMES! Love that you all turned this into a weekend:)
Yep - everyone in blog land is now 100% jealous, well except for the tattoo part...that would hurt on my bootie. :)
Jennifer said…
Sounds like a great weekend--so glad you guys had such fun! Great wine pics!!
Susie said…
That looks like sooooooo much fun:-)
Alison said…
Sounds like you had an absolute blast. A weekend with friends is just good for the soul. (And now I want Mexican food at 10:30 at night.)
Jennifer P. said…
I have LOVED hearing this story from y'all. ANd the pictures. Ah man! Can't wait till April :)!!!
Heather said…
Man, I want me some Photoshop for Christmas...(along with a class to teach me how to use it).

Maybe someday, when Gabe is in school and I'm not running around like a crazed lunatic, screaming "put that down! don't lick that! can you please not choke the cat?!".

Yeah, and that's all in one afternoon.

Wanna come to Ohio for a visit?

Great pics, great story, glad you had a great time, despite the bit of drama.
kikibibi said…
I'm new to SITS and I found you through Le Musings of Moi. You are so hilarious! Sounds like a very fun wine weekend!
Pseudo said…
Where was your wine tour? Want ot know whcih wine country I'm being jealous of.
Donn24g said…
Looks like a REALLy good time. Wine and Friends? No better combo!! Loved the pics:)
Gaspegirl said…
It looks like you had fun!
nikkicrumpet said…
looks like there was plenty of fun being poured profusely! Glad you had a great time!
Mercedes said…
I miss wine. Two more months before Hunter is weened. MMM.
Rhea said…
Great photos! It's so awesome to finally see you, Tiffany!! You've been so mysterious. You girls look like you had a blast!!
Ashley said…
Ya'll are totally making me jealous! What a fun trip!!! I need some of that wine!
Jen Sue Wild said…
Wow looks like you all had a blast!!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Beautiful. Just another thing for you to be thankful for this week!!!!
Anonymous said…
Those are my kind of pictures! WOO!
Anonymous said…
That looks like so much fun! I so wish I didn't live in PA--no where close to any other bloggy friends. :(

This sucks.
Shannon said…
Y'all are fabulous. Simply fabulous. Glad you all had a great time :)
WheresMyAngels said…
Shut up and get out of here!! I haven't had girls fun in like forever!(unless the sparkling grape juice I shared with my girls over veggie burgers counts).

What, you weren't allowed to photo shop a Darth Vader mask on her?

By the way, you look gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
Great photoshopping girl! Love the last pic of Heather.

Hey Tiffany,

It's me Tonda...

I had so much FUN with you, Lula and Heather. The Wine Tour was unforgetable. The entire day was so surreal. We will have to meet up again somewhere and stir up some more fun.

Until next time...
Anonymous said…
Wine and good friends.....what great fun! I'm jealous!!!
Kori said…
Just wanted to let oyu know that all your questions now have answers. So be sure to come by my place to see. Love ya darlin.
MaricrisG said…
ah so lovely ladies! YOu should organize a SITStah Conference so we can all have our own little SITStah night out :)
DL said…
Looks like a great time! Happy Thanksgiving, old friend! Hope your day is blessed with your family and friends close by!
Dee said…
Looks like a fun time had by all!
Yep. Looks like fun. FUn, fun. :)
Aubrey said…
Ok! You should not be allowed to have that much FUN!! Look at you ladies, with your fine selves...
Anonymous said…
Looks like you gals had a blast...I gotta say, I'm a little envious of the much needed girl time! :-)

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