So Much for My Private College Education
So I have a problem with spelling. I suck at it. Surprising, because I am such a voracious reader, but my brain just doesn't catch 'um.
Usually, I can deal with grammar.
Under the stress of Thursday's loss, I clearly had a grammar mishap.
How many of you noticed that I wrote "through" instead of "threw" in the post below?
Thanks for not saying anything, I was devastated when I wrote it.
Grief can cause grammar mishaps.
I know it must have been hard not to point it out, but I appreciate that you were willing to put my feelings above your need to correct me.
Just Love Me Through It. *
*This phrase coined by Heather of Mindless Junque. I have permission to use it as needed.

This post took a lot of courage. It's hard to admit when you've made a mistake. Well done :)
I begin my campaign for the lecturing spell checker. BIG pop up that says...
SHEESH Wep, how many times are you doing to spell definitely wrong before you finally learn there is no a in the middle. You are going for a PhD for goodness sake, do you think I'm going to carry you through the dissertation process too?
Ok, well maybe not. I think I'd cry.
So very sorry for your loss. I myself am a diehard Texas Aggie fan. We haven't been "winners" in years. I can get used to it, but have yet to completely accept it. I believe we are playing against Navy today - we might just have a chance for a happy ending.
hang in their*
*just throwing some back at you Tiff!
I've even had readers point out my misuse of their/there/they're and your/you're...whatev. We all know what you meant.
The truth is as soon as I realized you were talking about football I went cross eyed and everything went out of focus.
I just love that you sited your source with that clever little one liner though. I'm a firm believer in siting sources when it comes to things like that...I only take credit for my own funny. :)
ps the Trojans can suck it.
And then my own daughter tries to challenge my grammar reputation because I LOVE to use fragments when I write. Can't help it. Nope. Just can't.
I love Heather's phrase!
And you know I'm sad. Sad. Too sad to even post about it.
We had a bad week. We need to be drinking. Together.