
Yeah, I am a P.O.O.P.I.E. What are you gonna do about it?
So, I have some "faux-liage" as it's been referred to by The Nestor.
I'm joining in a showing it off.
Take a look.
Not bad, right?
Then, in my Family Room... I used Three... yes Three topiaries. They are "faux".
Here are some closer looks....
And, all faux-liage needs a fat, somewhat blurry, baby bee to buzz around.
Wanna play? Go HERE.

I have a green thumb and orchids are my specialty!
I do fake nails and the (sadly) the occasional fake orgasm....but real plants.
Do love your decor though. Wanna come decorate my home? Now you also have to be maid too. I can't have a cute home without a maid (not a topless maid).
I say topiaries are FAIR GAME in the world of P.O.O.P.I.E. I have them in my kitchen...on the mantle in my bedroom...2 on the mantle in our living room...one on a side table in the living room. All are varying shapes, sizes, colors, heights, etc. I love them. I refuse to get rid of them. I also refuse to get rid of some of my very chic and tasteful "faux" plants--you know, the kind with peacock feathers, artichokes, berries, and the like? 'Cause they rock, too. (And they weren't cheap. So there.)
But I do have more live plants than faux. That should count for something. Right????
p.s. There's the Big Lots fleur de lis pot...with baseballs. I. Love. You.