Shirley Temple

On Sunday we went to a Bris, the Jewish ceremony for a baby boy's circumcision.  It was a beautiful ceremony full of tradition, heritage, family and friends.  One of my favorite things about Judaism is the traditions.  I find them fascinating and incredibly inspiring.  

One of the great things about being raised in a place like LA is all the different people who fill up your life and your heart.

CM was raised Lutheran and went to a Lutheran elementary school.  But, before that, he went to a Jewish preschool (his mom worked there and still does!) The Boy also attended the same preschool for a few months 2 years ago.  They both knew 2 of the Hebrew prayers said on Sunday.... amazing.

I was raised Catholic.  My Godfather is LDS and my oldest and best friend... Jewish.  Right now, our family is looking for it's place in the religious world.  We are firmly grounded spiritually, but I'd like The Boy to grow up with a religious identity of some kind.  But, that's another post for another time.  

God and I speak daily, and he is leading the way.  I have complete faith that I will end up exactly where I'm supposed to be.  

Having said all that, what I really want to talk about is Shirley Temples... as in the ginger ale & grenadine drink that made you feel all fancy as a child.  

On Sunday, The Boy and I had Shirley Temples.  We toasted "Mazel Tov" and while everyone else drank their wine, we got all hopped up on that bubbly, red elixir.  They were so good.  I felt like I was 7 years old and totally fancy.  I think I even had my pinky out....for all 3.

I have such fond memories of Shirley Temples.. my sis and I always ordered them when we were out someplace nice.   Made us feel super grown up and very sophisticated.  I think it's the color.  If I could name a crayon, it would be Shirley Temple Red.  Or maybe a lipstick. Or nail polish.

I love it when simple things make me giddy.  Don't you?

© 2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Right Reserved.


Casey's trio said…
Hi! Just popped over from SITS and this is my first time commenting on your blog. I LOVED Shirley Temples as a kid. Always had to order them when out at a restaurant:)
Anonymous said…
I do remember Shirley Temples making me feel grown up. I sat up straighter and held my head a little higher as I sipped them. I thought I was all grown up, having a "drink" with the adults :)
Anonymous said…
We used to drink Shirley Temples at "The Flying Lady" restaurant when we were little. I used to request lots of cherries, (even though they were totally gross and I wouldn't eat them).

Shirley Temple Red.... you are definitely on to something. Hmmm...

Jennifer P. said…
I loved Shirley Temples too! Strangely enough, I would always order them at the Mexican restaurant though, so they make me feel like eating burritos when I think of them :)!

Hey!--I see an actual PICTURE of you and Candy Man down there!--I'm off to take a look!

And I just had to throw in, I searched for YEARS to find a religion that fit me. It's worth the search :).
Trooper Thorn said…
Did your cocktail make you want to tap dance with Mr. Bo Jangles?

I used to get a Roy Rogers instead. It made me think I had on boots, spurs, a 10 gallon hat and my trusty lasso at my side. You could almost taste the dust from riding the open Prairie.

All this imagery was very strong, even if I was really wearing short pants and Buster Browns at my Aunt's garden wedding.
I shouldn't have read the comments. After Trooper Thorns comment my pithy thought about memories of loving Shirley Temples as a child sound LAME. :)
Tinabean said…
Ok I'm the odd man out because I've never had a Shirley Temple!
I guess it should go on my list of things to do.
Scary Mommy said…
Shirley Temples were my drink of choice all 3 pregnancies. I love them! And totally agree about Judiasm- the traditions and rituals are beautiful.
Amy said…
It's always the simple things that make me the happiest. I'm feelin' you on the religious front. We have a 3 different one's between us and neither of us is into organized religion but want something for the kids. It's not easy. Good luck.
Debbie said…
I love Shirley Temples!!! I loved saving the cherry for the last bite. I am very much someone that loves simple things. I love that my husband surprises me with a big gulp from 7-11. It just the simple unexpected pleasures in life that make me hearing my daughter read to my son right now...this morning...on his I am shutting down to go cuddle with them.
S Club Mama said…
I LOVE STs! Especially the cherries they come with.
Lula! said…
It's the little, simple things that make me giddy, too. We will drink Shriley Temples together one day. Soon. Yes, we will.
Kori said…
My Mother was a bartender. And one of my fondest memories is going to workplace when it was closed and sitting on the stool at the bar and her making me shirley temples with the jukebox playing. I know the giddyness you speak about.
Jen said…
The simple things in life are the best! Totally.
Alison said…
I loved to order a Shirley Temple when I was a kid, too! I felt like such a grown-up lady sipping it.

BTW, I will pray that you will find the best place to worship for your family. I have no doubt that as you stay in contact with God, He will lead you exactly where you need to be.
Anonymous said…
I loved to order those when I was a kid...loved them...especially the cherry!
Anonymous said…
Absolutely. Sweet post.
Unknown said…
The only time in my life I've ever been a girlie-girl is when my mother used to roll my hair in pinrollers as a child so my hair would look like Shirley Temple's! That was over 40 years ago!
KWolfAK said…
I think you are on the right track. It's not about "religion", it's about faith in God. I just finished posting my faith journey if you are interested.
Tami said…
Love, love, love them...with cherries...extra cherries!

Shirley Temple sounds like an OPI name :) If it isn't already, you could be on to something!
Anonymous said…
this post made me laugh - the jump from spirituality to shirley temples just cracked me up. It was like being in my own brain skipping around.
Shirley temples are the world's best drink. I think that I since I am off the sauce for a few more months, that is going to be my drink of choice. How much fun? Did you call them roy rogers for boys?
scargosun said…
But have you ever had a Roy Rogers? The nice waitresses used to give us extra cherries when we were little. :)
I'd always get a Shirley Temple when we went out to eat at Red Lobster. I don't know why I didn't get them anywere else. But I loved them. And I don't know why...but getting Cherry Limeades at Sonic remind me of them. And then my own kids scoff at my precious memories...
Ann Harrison said…
OH! I did love Shirley Temples so much!
Mine would have one of those plastic monkeys, or flamingos, hanging off the side.
Oh... this thought just makes me happy!
Swirl Girl said…
We (jews) used to go out to dinner once a month on a Sunday night with 2 other families. We went to Chinese or Italian...the kids had Shirley Temples , and the boys had Roy Rogers', cuz Shirley Temples were too queer for boys.

I still don't like to eat a maraschino cherry...and I can't twist the stem into a knot.

I know there is a jew joke in their somewhere....
Anonymous said…
Shirley Temples still make me giddy too. I make with the kids whenever we have parties. I love sticking the Maraschino Cherries in too!
Mama Dawg said…
My daughter just discovered them recently and LOVES them. She orders them every time we go to Red Lobster.
Anonymous said…
I don't think I've ever had a Shirley Temple....I used to have virgin daiquiri's though....still do now that I don't really drink anymore. Or a snow cone...really all I want is to get hopped up on sugar! :)
Caroline said…
Thanks for making my SITS day rock in a major way! I can't say that I've ever had a shirley temple. Sounds yummy. I don't know that I could stomach a bris. We waited 2 weeks after the redhead's birth trying to decide "to snip or not to snip". We ended up doing it and I was a hot mess that day.
Anonymous said…
Hey! I wanted to give you something because I like you blog.
Sonya said…
Shirley Temples are the bomb!!! Yep, I said it! And did you know, they just aren't the same if you try to make them at home! Even if you use a fancy glass....nope! Not the same feeling as when you were young ordering it while the adults ordered their drinks! ;)

Take Care!
Angie's Spot said…
I don't think there's anything ailing me that can't be cured with a Shirley Temple. What a great memory!
LaQuintamomof3 said…
love 'em.
Still do! Especially fun to share them with the kids.
Insane Mama said…
My family is all over the place also. My parents are LDS. My sister is Catholic, my brother is a converted Jew. My Uncle agnostic, It goes on and on. I am with you, I talk to God and I follow what I hear. Shirley temples are good through and through. It's a happy drink.
CaraBee said…
OMG, I love Shirley Temples! When I was a kid, I would order them, with extra cherries of course, and collect the little swords that the cherries came on. Such great memories!
Anonymous said…
They do sound fancy, I may have to go out and try one.
Just Lisa said…
I loved Shirley Temples as a kid! The best part was the cherry!
Unknown said…
I must have had a deprived childhood, 'cos I never had a Shirley Temple!

Nice post. I was raised Anglican and have had a few problems, deciding where I'm comfortable at, church wise, here in the US.
Cristin said…
So sweet... the post and the drink.
Jenn said…
I have yet to introduce my kiddos to shirley temples but I can barely wait!
Tracy P. said…
MMM, I had totally forgotten grenadine existed!! We called them kiddie cocktails, but I loved them. I'm salivating in cherry right now!

Relationship over religion any day. He does lead the way when we seek him.
Anonymous said…
I don't think I've ever had a Shirley Temple (GASP!) but I am all about simple pleasures. Like coloring with a new box of sharp crayons. Seriously, does life get any better than that?
sassy stephanie said…
Ooo I loved the Shirleys. I used to go to "the club" with my parents, pony up to the bar (some things never change) and place my order. The bartender would give me extra extra cherries. I thought I was so cool.

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