Yet, Another Tampon Post

Remember how I said I have a tendency to pick fights in an earlier meme?  Well here is an example of me getting all up in arms over an injustice.  Yes, tampon injustice.  

Recently, my friends and I made an unanswered plea to Tampax.  But today, I contacted them for a different reason.

So I had this great idea to give away a year's supply of tampons when we feature Lula on SITS. You all know how she wrote that HYSTERICAL post about her cheerleading tampons, right?

I email Tampax with my pitch about their "awesome tampons that offers postive affirmations on every wrapper".  And, tell them about the early (so far, so good) success of SITS, yadayadayada. 

I receive an email back essentially saying "Thanks. But no thanks."

I'm pissed. How dare they turn down a group of women supporting other women. And, what's a years worth of tampons to them, like $5.00?

Anyway, I decide I need to call someone and vent. Here is how that goes:

Me: "Hi Heather."

Heather: "Hi. What are you doing?" (she always asks this first thing with such interest every time.  I love it.)

Me: "So, I emailed Tampax about Lula's edifying tampon post and asked for a year supply.  They said no. I am so posting about what jerks they are and how they don't support woman.  Maybe we can convince everyone to boycott them!  What do you think?"

Heather: "Well, I think maybe they said no because that tampon is made by Playtex."

Me: "Oh. I guess that could explain things."

It's always nice to have a friend who will tell it like it is.

© 2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Rights Reserved.


Lula! said…
I just shot snot and such all over Miss Pretty Pink here. NOT EVEN LYING. Me and my almost-pneumonia self. 'Cause I'm reading this and going, "Oh Tiff, was Playtex, not Tampax!" And then Heather, genius that she is, lovingly comes to the rescue.

You now have perfect fodder for contacting Playtex. You know, "Hey, those dang Tampax beyotches turned us down! Wanna show some love?"

And seriously, all kidding aside, I've decided that a non-affirming tampon is not the one for me. Hence the love for Playtex Sport. You can tell 'em I said that, too.
KatBouska said…
Ha! That's SO something I would do...
Kristen said…
Oops!!! That is pretty funny!
AFRo said…
Crack me up. That was pretty funny. Thank God for Heather. Hopefully Playtex will be nicer to us all...
Heather said…
Yeah, I'm good that way.
Trish said…
So funny! We all need a friend like that.

You are really on to something though. Those tampon marketers are missing a huge audience by not offering their produt on the 'Mommy blogs'

I hope you got off the phone and marched right back to your computer to contact the correct tampon maker.....
leezee52 said…
OMG...I laughed so hard I scared my kitty off of my key board...Meoooooow!!!
Anonymous said…
Now what you've got to do is call up or e-mail Playtex and offer them the same offer and see if they bite... eh? I think you should. A years worth of Tampons, it's totally and completely worth it!
Anonymous said…
John Deere Mom said…
You go, girl! Playtex, Tampax...who can keep them straight? :)
Anonymous said…
You're a mad, crazy woman Mrs. Romero! Stop harassing the poor people at Tampax. He-hee!

This is my first (of many)comment on your crazy blog, although I have been reading it for a while - and have now added it to my Blogroll - to get my daily laughs.
Well regardless, they should see it as competition!
I'd email them back and say No problem you said No, Playtex is willing to donate it and was even friendly about it. Then, I would email playtex and tell them Tampax is willing do donate but you like theirs better so would they be interested in taking their place!
Hey...I had Al from Country Bob BBQ sauce email me yesterday to ask if I would blog about his product. If country Bob is willing, Playtex should surely be willing :-)
Anonymous said…
Lol - that just cracked me up and made my day - at least now I know that I am not the only one losing my mind these days
Scary Mommy said…
LOL! Yes, one does need a friend who tells it like it is!!
Mama Dawg said…
Hysterical. Sounds like something I'd do.
Anonymous said…
ROFL!! ;)
Anonymous said…
Don't you love having friends who always know just the right thing to say...even if its correcting you! Great post, girl! You GO!
scargosun said…
This is too funny b/c the whole time you are talking about Tampax I was like "NOOOOOOO! I like Playtex and I want a years supply!"

Now maybe I'll get it. ;)
Unknown said…
Now THAT'S funny! There are some people in the Tampax marketing department that are having a good laugh. Maybe they're here right now reading these comments!
Connie said…
They are all just pissed off at Bayer for their Mirena. Cuttin' into the profits big time and I couldn't be happier.
Insane Mama said…
I would have made the same mistake
I would suggest OB tampons cause they are comfy, but they don't have an applicator, so they can't put affirmations on their product. hmmm, I'm thinking
emily freeman said…
That is so awesome. I'm all about getting really mad at the wrong thing. It's was my major in college.
Candid Carrie said…
Gives a "hole" new meaning to product placement.
Sandi McBride said…
oh crappola I haven't bought a tampax product since I read the one instruction on how to have a happy period...A HAPPY PERIOD? WHO WRITES THAT OUT FOR EVERYONE TO SEE? Do men think we actually have happy periods? My husband was quite happy when the ship had to put to sea for sea trials during "that time of the month". He had no shame and felt not one ounce of compassion for the two boy children he left behind with me...happy period indeed...tampax better be careful, as Mac (hubby) says, there ain't nothing funny about a woman with a gun"!
Playtex won't be able to say no!
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Nicole said…
Too funny! Thanks for visiting my blog.
Debbie said…
Do you hear me??? Do you hear me sitting in my chair laughing...oh wait, now I am on the floor holding my stomach cracking up...that was priceless...just priceless...
Sherri said…
That is so funny!! I probably would have done the same thing!! Dang Tampons anyway!!!
Debz said…
Did you get the email for the Playtex people? You know ya gotta.
Sunshine said…
Holy carp! That is totally something I'd do! LOL! Makes me love you that much more, girl!
Tami said…
That is tooooo funny! I would totally do something like that!!!
Staci Loalbo said…
I LOVE IT!!! OMG my stomache hurts sooo bad from sorry for the missfortune.

LOVE your blog, love sits....ill be back
Nauntie Lush said…
What about O.B? You know only because they had that CATCHY tune in the 1980's that I still can't get out of my head almost 30 years later....and they are all down for some girl power!
Apple Joos said…
I'm sure there's got to be 12 of us who would be willing to donate a box of tampons to the cause! I know I could cover a month!
Bonnie the Boss said…
I just came over from my friend Tausha's blog. That is so funny!!!! I could totally see me doing something like that. I hope it goes better for you with the Platex company.
Very funny!
I put your button on my blog, and thank you SOOOOO MUCH for actually putting the code with it. I pay for Typepad and STILL can't put anything but writing on the side bar. I MADE them do the Mermaid Swap button for me. Grrrrrr!!!:(
I can do it on blogger but typepad's a pain in the neck.
Forgot to tell you that my blog is at anyone leaving a comment is entered to win a prize each month. You are entered for each comment you leave :)
I also have a tutorial blog called
Faith Folk Cafe at If you get a chance, listen to the song Who? You will see Mystele in action painting her folk art pieces and read about some of my techniques.
TTFN again,
Pam :D
DC said…
I don't know what's funnier: the fact that you had the wrong company or the fact that you want to sponsor a TAMPON CONTEST? LOL! ;)
my2boyz said…
Ooops! I so would have done that!
Unknown said…
LOL !! That's just so funny.

Sort of thing that happens to me...
KatBouska said…
Look at YOU racking in all the comments!! I love it!

I thought about charging a non-refundable "holding fee" to hold the spot for her until the 23rd...don't know what it would be...but let's be honest here, I don't have the balls to ask for it.

Will you email her for me and just handle all my business dealings from here on out??
-Bridget said…
Doh! That is totally something I would do. Too funny.
Anonymous said…
HAHAHAHA!!!! Yep, that's something I would do too....that is hilarious!!!
Marie Reed said…
That is amazing that you wrote those emails to Tampax and are shaking it up! At least you didn't get a form letter from Tampax. Thanks, but no thanks is pretty darn funny. They probably took the time to read Lulu's post before making their 'descion' Sits is an amazing hit! I'm so excited for you!
Perksofbeingme said…
I now have to clean my laptop because I just snorted coffee all over my screen. Thanks.
Michelle said…
I love it! That so sounds like something I would do -- especially the righteous being pissed off part of it. Obviously, their advertising group has some work to do!
Lori said…
LOL! I didn't see the punchline coming!

So glad I found you through SITS and Lula, in particular!
Tracy P. said…
That is so hilarious. I had to read this again after reading Lula today. I was laughing too hard the first time to comment. Now THAT is the kind of friend we all need. :-)
Nichole said…
that was freakin funny!!! thanks for the laugh

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