My Blog Rating

It's official.  
My husband was right.  
And, apparently, my writing style is also that of a pre-pubescent male.  

blog readability test

Kandace  was rated a genius.  Last time I checked she had a dog with a sex addtion and a pole in her living room... how can this be?


Didn't yo mama teach you never to judge book by it's cover or a hooker by her boots?

Who's a lady got to sleep with to get a little respect around here?
Tiffany said…
Kandace... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAAA! You are so freakin' hu.lar.i.ous.

If this is the only comment I get ever again, I will die a happy woman...
AFRo said…
If it makes you feel any better, as an editor, we are teaching journalists that their newspaper writing should always be at a 5th grade reading level. So, really you're doing fine.
KimmyJ said…
I got a high school rating. And I was even a hooker in high school nor did I wear boots - it was the south - way too hot for that.
Anonymous said…
LOL...too funny...Gotta love Kandace though...
Heather said…
Oh, I really must go take this quiz right now. And then I think it's fair that I put it in a widget for my sidebar to warn people...or perhaps delight them. We'll have to see.

Oh, and Kandace, we all know that's not a "support" pole. Sister, just embrace it. Don't be afraid to turn the neon sign on in the front window and dance proud. I do.
Heather said…
Dang. I'm at junior high level too. That's why we get along so well, Tif. We're the ones in the back of the room snickering over the word "pre-pubescent".
Unknown said…
LOL ... mine's 'Junior High School' as well ...

I swear... it's the 1st graders fault !!
Sunshine said…
I so have to go take the test now.

My sense of humor pretty well matches my 7 and 4 yr-old's. So I think I know where this is going.

And don't flipping tell my hubby about the pole...mmmmm,k???
scargosun said…
Wow. How do you get a high school rating? Talk in text messaging?
Lula! said…
Lula cannot comment right now. She's back in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.

That just ain't right.

Is there stripper school? I've heard that pole is truly not as easy as it looks.
Sherri said…
Thank you for making me feel young today!!
Connie said…
... and that's why I ain't touching that damned button!
KimmyJ said…
OMGoodness, I meant I wasn't a hooker in high school.
Because I am obsessive...I am constantly checking to see my blog level. It wavers between elementary and junior high. My 10 year old (post grad). She likes remind me of this. Constantly.
Debbie said…
Tiffany...take the test again...I did it awhile back and got one answer. Then I did it again right after and got another don't worry!
Rhea said…
That's just not right. Last time I checked my rating I was the same level...surely I will rise...please god...
Apple Joos said…
Oh no... I'm so scared to test mine. It will probably be "Crayon scribbled on a wall by a toddler"
Tausha said…
ok-too funny. Thats in one of the main reasons I have never taken that little test. I am too afraid of what it would say. Pathetic i know, that i would worrya about my whole exsistence as a blog depending on what some stupid test says, but sadly to say, yes, thats how it is. You still love me anyway right??
Alison said…
You're just very accessible!
Insane Mama said…
Mine is at a high school level??? Maybe becasue I cuse a little therefore it is for older ears...

I wonder if Kandace has slept with the bloggy hula gods.
This is too much
Jennifer P. said…
I'm afraid to find out. I'm sure with mentions of New Kids on the Block I'll be junior high too.

I'll love you through it :)
Anonymous said…
Hmmmm....I did it twice and got "high school" both times. I wonder if its because I like to talk about people????
KatBouska said…
Oooooh. Looks like someone get catty like a 12 year old too...

I'm gonna go take that mother freaker...I better be higher than Kandace, there's got to be like a "Even More Genius" category and I'm gonna find it!
KatBouska said…
cough. high school. cough cough.
KatBouska said…
I think you are officially my biggest fan. Free trips to family resorts...a spot on the Today Show and Oprah...I can do it all!! Will you be my manager??
LaQuintamomof3 said…
I rfuse to take it... Mrs. R- obviously you have fans at the jr. high level.
I bet mines pre-K.
This is so funny. I was highly offended when I did this on my blog about a year ago and it said high school level. I did it recently though and it came back college post graduate or something like that. Has to be random! :)
Anonymous said…
I'm thinking it's a totally random rating. I tried it on my blog, and it came back in 1 second with a high school rating. Yeah, I'm so sure they went back and read my blog in that 1 second.

Now I'm off to my mailbox to check all the spam that I'm sure is spilling out of it as we speak...
Rhea said…
Oh, oh, I got high school status! I've moved up in the world. A few months back I was junior high, I think. So sad.

I decided to throw a surprise giveaway on my blog! Stop by if you're interested. :o)
Anonymous said…
Ahem...elementary school? And I'm homeskoolin mi gurls...don't let the state find owt abowt this!
Shannon said…
um...don't ask my why...but my level is college-post grad.....
I'm thinking maybe they are playing a trick on everybody and it's really backwards!
Lori said…
Mine came back high school and then I did a post and used the word "predicament" so I though surely that would get me to a college level. No such luck.
Cecily R said…
I've done this test about three times and EVERY TIME I get elementary school level. I've decided to accept it graciously and giggle at nasty armpit noises with my 5th grader all day long.
scargosun said…
I was extremely scared to do this but I got the same rating you did. I was pretty proud of it. I figured my misspelling was going to give me a kindergarten level.
Anonymous said…
Ummm...I teach high school. You are waaaaay better off than I am.
Melissa Lester said…
I am right there with you in junior high. Ah, braces and a bad perm. I feel so insecure now!
Petula said…
You are hilarious! I'm so glad I stopped by 'cause I've gotten quite a few chuckles. I guess I shouldn't tell you that when I did this -- or one similar -- some time ago, I think it rated me at college level or something. I must say I puffed my chest out for a whole week! LOL.

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