A Dynasty. Really?
So the remaining Jackson brothers have a reality show coming on soon.
"The Jackson 5. A Dynasty."
Dynasty seems a bit strong, doesn't it?
I mean, when I think dynasty, I think Mao's Dynasty.
The Kennedys.
Maybe the 1991-1993 Chicago Bull's Basketball team.
But if we are going to call the Jacksons a Dynasty, I've got some issue.
So, the Jackson 5.
Good band.
One stand out member.
He becomes a star, a legend perhaps {NOT a Hero}.
His sister Janet, also incredibly talented, power player in the music biz, big star, for sure.
So, if all it takes is TWO siblings "making it" to warrant the title of "Dynasty", then we have quite a few more among us:
If the Jackson's are a dynasty, then the Osmonds are most certainly a Dynasty.
And, I'd say the Baldwin's beat the Jackson's for famous siblings.
Hello, the Jonas Brothers, of course.
Mary Kate and Ashely qualify.
So do Candice and Kirk Cameron.
Oh, and what about the Lennon Sisters?
Or, Frank and Sylvester Stallone?
Oh, and then we have Jessica and Ashlee Simpson.
And, Paris and Nikki Hilton.
Owen and Luke Wilson.
Um, hello, Brandy and Ray Jay are totally a dynasty.
Emilio Estavez and Charlie Sheen.
The Phoenix Family boasts the talents of River, Joaquin and Summer.
The Arquettes, no question.
I'm sure I could go on and on.
I have to say, it really bothers me that members of the Jackson Family have decided to use the attention brought on by the untimely death of their brother to increase their own fame.
I am not interested in the goings-on of anyone who names their son, "Jermajesty."
"The Jackson 5. A Dynasty."
Dynasty seems a bit strong, doesn't it?
I mean, when I think dynasty, I think Mao's Dynasty.
The Kennedys.
Maybe the 1991-1993 Chicago Bull's Basketball team.
But if we are going to call the Jacksons a Dynasty, I've got some issue.
So, the Jackson 5.
Good band.
One stand out member.
He becomes a star, a legend perhaps {NOT a Hero}.
His sister Janet, also incredibly talented, power player in the music biz, big star, for sure.
So, if all it takes is TWO siblings "making it" to warrant the title of "Dynasty", then we have quite a few more among us:
If the Jackson's are a dynasty, then the Osmonds are most certainly a Dynasty.
And, I'd say the Baldwin's beat the Jackson's for famous siblings.
Hello, the Jonas Brothers, of course.
Mary Kate and Ashely qualify.
So do Candice and Kirk Cameron.
Oh, and what about the Lennon Sisters?
Or, Frank and Sylvester Stallone?
Oh, and then we have Jessica and Ashlee Simpson.
And, Paris and Nikki Hilton.
Owen and Luke Wilson.
Um, hello, Brandy and Ray Jay are totally a dynasty.
Emilio Estavez and Charlie Sheen.
The Phoenix Family boasts the talents of River, Joaquin and Summer.
The Arquettes, no question.
I'm sure I could go on and on.
I have to say, it really bothers me that members of the Jackson Family have decided to use the attention brought on by the untimely death of their brother to increase their own fame.
I am not interested in the goings-on of anyone who names their son, "Jermajesty."

The band Heart is two sisters. Oasis has two brothers [well had] in it......
You have a great point...there are a lot better/more qualified/more relevant families than the Jacksons. However, given the state of our television choices--and that particular family--this doesn't surprise me in the least. Besides, TV land needs just lost their last messed-up family show (Jon and Kate)...hopefully this one won't involve too many kids.
And, Michele, I agree, please leave the kids out of it!
Thought it would be bad taste to mention how the whole Jackson family just had to show the love...only when he dropped dead. Classy.
And, no. I do not want to watch anyone who names their son Jermajesty.
However, I agree with one of the music producers when he said "It wasn't the Jackson 4, it was the Jackson 5 and Michael was a big part of that." He is what drew people in... I don't think I would want to see the Jackson 4 and think that this is the original. I am not even sure I would want to see the Jackson 5. That time has passed. They are just trying to stay relivent in the death of their most famous family member. Very sad.
And I agree, Dynasty is a strong word. And Jermajesty is just wrong. Very, very wrong!
I agree with you, that is taking it a bit too far, and cashing in on your brother's fame.
Very sad!
Stopped over from SITS :-)
As for the Jackson brothers, such pathetic parasites...
What's worse is that people may actually watch this show, justifying it's existence in the first place.
And dynasty? Puh-lease.
I thought that Jermaine was sooo....hmm..whats the word...hungry for stardom? I dont know. Sad.
I think Michael Jackson was a tragic figure in so many ways. I think eventually the truth will come out. I believe he didn't develop normally and that was at the root of his problems, which kind of explains a lot, but he should never have been given such access to young boys. That is tragic in itself.
I nearly puke when I see the preview commercial.
Cusacks -- yes!
stopping by from SITS! :)
THIS SHIZ IS GOLD, girl. My new favorite post from you.
We're gonna be famous one day. Yes we are. Now I just gotta catch up to your level...
Owe Gawd.
What has this world come to when not only are our lives inundated with celebrity and they are considered "role models" but that the Jackson 5 and the majority of your list are even considered a dynasty or are even considered for that matter. Good Grief!
The Park Wife
It's interesting how they just come right out of the woodwork *after* he is dead.
Oh, and you forgot one.
Tiffany + Heather...aren't they a dynasty? Or maybe it is just Chic Chick Media...I'm not sure.
Either way, if we are counting Brandy and Ray Jay, then y'all definitely qualify.
I received the best Christmas card in the mail earlier this week. Such FUN! It had the cutest (and most bad-ass boy) on it.
Thank you.
Chuck Norris doesn't need any added family members to be inculded into a dynasty.
HE IS his OWN dynasty!
....Although he could team up with Steven Segal and David HasslehofF.
That would be an EMPIRE!
I just want to thank you for that prompt. I had a great time thinking this through! It's amazing that I could hold a thought that long!
I just wanted to also thank you for all you and Heather do providing this wonderful forum! It's a blessing!
Happy New Year!
I couldn't imagine losing one of my siblings and I sure wouldn't use it to make money.
But I think they are a screwed up family anyway....
Work from home India
I would prefer seeing that feature on Thomas Mann and his family again or something about the family of Richard Wagner (that is one really messed up family, too), but even they are not what I would call a dynasty.
Having said that I've got some love for Jermaine after watching him on Celebrity Big Brother UK. While all others were losing it, he was like some cool cat wax figurine Buddha with a nose job (and possibly a tummy tuck). You couldn't help but be drawn in.