Chili & Halloween

We had a great Halloween.

We all set up at a neighbor's , who hosted with delicious chili and hot dogs while 25 kids trick or treated around the houses.

The Boy was Darth Vader and carried one of the FX Light Sabers, a bit of an expensive Halloween accessory, but he got for Christmas and what good is a toy if you can't play with it!
And, we could see where he was a mile away!

This is The Boy and a girl (crush) from his class...

Did I mention the chili?  It was fantastic.  

Lots and lots of kids.  Like a real old fashion, neighborhood Halloween.

And, they had this chili.  It was so good. 

So much for the 2 miles I did on the treadmill.


Unknown said…
We had about 14 or so , of the neighbourhood kids, show up at the door.

Cute photos the one of The Boy and his Crush!!
KatBouska said…
Awww looks like fun. And that little girl looks an awful lot like Bindi Irwin. I love her.
Anonymous said…
Fun night eh?

The boy in the last picture on the right of "the boy"...that's exactly what Mini D was for Halloween. He's got the Darth costume too.
Swirl Girl said…
Better two bowls of chili than two bags of chocolate!
jori-o said…
How lucky to live in a neighborhood that does fun things like this together! If you get the chilli recipe, please share! =)
♥ Braja said…
Here's a little comment love for you! Fun neighborhood!!
♥ Braja said…
Oh and Tiffany? We both have Darth Vader/light sabres in our Halloween posts...!!
~T~ said…
I love chili too - but I'm the only one in my house that will eat it!
Anonymous said…
Your neighborhood sounds like our neighborhood! It is always so fun!
We weren't in our neighborhood so no fun photos this year! :(
Michelle said…
Sounds like you really liked the chili.

The neighborhood party looks like fun. Our neighbors invited us for a deep fry party. Good times.
Ash said…
We had an impromptu parent get together, while the kids bartered all their candy - good times.

I just love Halloween - and really expensive light sabers - SUPER cool!!

Laura Marchant said…
I think I want to make chili today :-) Great costomes. The hubs would love them.
Jen said…
that is what I miss about Halloween from when I was a kid. We used to have a ton of kids and so much fun. Some how its different now...
Anonymous said…
Girl, at least you got on a treadmill! Mine is covered in dust and cob webs (the non-decorative Halloween kind).

Ah, the crush! How cute is she! You're picturing the wedding and grandbabies, huh?
Wep said…
What's a treadmill?
Heather said…
It was so nice here, we all sat in the driveway around our firepit and drank hot buttered rum. Can you believe it???? NO SNOW!!! Greatest Halloween ever.
Queenie Jeannie said…
Sounds like you had a fabulous evening!!

Lo said…
Thanks for visiting my blog! I LOVE neighborhood get togethers. And we had a great one last night in our home town too!
Rachel Ann said…
Your neighborhood sounds like a fun place.

Umm...homemade chilli sounds delicious!
Alison said…
That's really cool that y'all had a neighborhood get-together for Halloween. Nothing can beat a really good chili, too.
Looks like a great time! So are you gonna get that chili recipe and then post it for all of us?
Heather said…
We used to do chili Halloween every year, until the neighbors started sleeping with each other's spouses. That kinda put a damper on the whole thing...

Glad YOU got to have a lot of chili, though. Yum. And you can always burn it off this week. You should come and join me and Becky at the Y. We could talk and sweat, then go get coffee afterwards.
Tara Bennett said…
Love the power ranger costume. I don't blame him for having a crush on that girl - she's a doll! Chili is our family halloween tradition also - yummmmmy!
April Kennedy said…
We too had a "darth vadar" but forget the light saber for trick or treating. We also had chili and mummy dogs! And last minute...I decided to dress up my sister and myself in crazy costumes. Happy Halloween!

Completely enjoying the parade! Great idea!
S Club Mama said…
If only that girl had been Padme, you would have a daughter-in-law by now. ha! The Boy looked terrific.
jennifersusan said…
Nice light saber! My boys have those, and even my 2yo daughter loves to play with it. I love the pictures! My 12yo likes to go trick or treating with his group of friends--about 6 of them in their group. Last night was a beautiful night to be out, or at least here it was!
Susie said…
Those are GREAT Halloween pictures:-)
Shannon said…
We did Trunk or Treat and this one family was dressed in Star WArs garb and had the back of the mini-van decked out in Star WArs LEgo vechcles and such. It was cute!
Ann Harrison said…
Oh man,
You're making me hungry for chili now!
I'm so glad that you had a great night. At some events, when the energy is just right, I can tell that these will be the ones that the kids will remember. I like that.
Lula! said…
I'm going to pretend that my future son-in-law is NOT crushing on some other girl. 'Cause his wife was looking gorgeous last night as a snow princess and I think he needs to be aware of that fact.

Now I'm craving chili...and chili with beer. Darn you.
Anonymous said…
Looks like it was a great Halloween!! Your neighborhood halloween reminds me of my small town when I was a girl! We had so much fun and we always got together! Fall was the Halloween celebration together, New Year's eve party, and summer block parties! It was great!!
Unknown said…
Looks like you had tons of fun! Great pics and the chili sounds like it really hit the spot. :)
What A Card said…
I love Star Wars! I love chili! That sounds like my kind of Halloween! Glad you had a good time :)
Anonymous said…
Cutest Vader I've seen and chili makes it all worth while. Thanks for stopping by. ;-)
Heather said…
I'll call you if you email me your phone number, silly.

I have room for more than just Lula in my heart. If you only lived closer, then I would visit you, too.

Imagine the fun we would have!

Maybe someday we'll all have to meet in the middle.

So, seriously, my email is .
Cecily R said…
LOVE the Halloween crush shot...holy crap they are CUTE!!
Rachel said…
my hubby is jealous of the lightsaber!(now i know what to get him for Xmas)

great pics!
Lisa @ Serah's said…
Looks like fun! Great pics! Thanks for sharing.
ParentingPink said…
love the costumes! His "crush" is really cute too :-)
Ginger said…
The pics are adorable! Will looks awesome with his light saber!

And now it's 8 am and all I want is chili......
Dorkys Ramos said…
Aww cute pictures! Looks like you all had fun :)
Anonymous said…
Oooh I love me some chili. I´ve been eating meat here on my trip to Chile/Argentina/Uruguay so I definitely would be down to eat some of that again soon. Talkie soon!

Okay...first I am going to have to email Heather and get all the nasty details of her Peyton place neighborhood.

And's still a little warm here for chili...but I am wanting to make some. Maybe I'll just make some anyway...

We have a huge neighborhood - over 500 houses. TONS of kids...but none of them venture up our street because it's a HUGE hill. So, this year, we got ONE trick or treater! And yes, we still bought lots of candy. You know. Just in case they decided to all come up the hill...
Michelle said…
Chili dogs and trick or treating......what could be better!
hope you had a happy halloween!! looks like you did!
Nicole said…
It's good that you enjoyed your Halloween and the yummy chili.
LORI said…
Anonymous said…
Hehehe! Cute!
Ginny said…
Sounds fun! I love that first picture with the light saber!
S Club Mama said…
I may re-read at least part of New Moon IF Eclipse isn't available. However, don't be concerned if I don't get to re-read because A) I really hate re-reading anything, I don't know, it's not me haha and B) I do love Jacob, but I can just feel Bella's sisterly-instinct to him. I want things to work out. I want the Cullens & werewolves to gang up on Victoria and kill her really. I hope they can all live peacefully. And I can't decide if I want Bella to become a vampire or not.
Anonymous said…
Darth Vader costume is awesome! I love that light saber, way cool.

And chili sounds sooo yummy right now.

Glad you had a good Halloween!
Maternal Mirth said…
My Phu would have given up all his candy for the Darth get-up. In. A. Heart. Beat.

He even sleeps with a stuffed Darth. Apparently, Darth is not the epitome of evil as he once was and is more of a big Teddy Bear to my 4YO.
We did a bonfire on Saturday and just trick or treated in town Friday.

By the way, so...the chili was good? (just in case you hadn't said it enough times). BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Tracy P. said…
Glad you had fun--very cute pics! And now you have me craving a chili dog. Seriously--so much for the halloween parade, I am totally hungry! More parading later. :-)
Looks like you had a fun Halloween! Thanks for stopping by our blog!
Rachel said…
Wow looks like a fun time!
Anonymous said…
Oooh, gotta love the Darth Vader light saber. Better not let my Luke Skywalker see that - there's no way he wouldn't want something that cool! Your neighborhood looks so fun - trick or treating and chili too, wow! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm really enjoying being a part of SITS :)
Anonymous said…
Glad you all had a great halloween! Love the Darth costume...we've got one of those laying around here!
Sounds like a great way to spend the evening! The costumes are great!
Live.Love.Eat said…
That sounds like a perfect evening. Kids look adorable. I wish my neighbor was all neighborly like that. So the chili was good huh?
Shannon said…
I love how you mentioned the chili, like, 3 times. I know what your best part of the night was! :)
Jewel Allen said…
All that walking to the door to give out treats to the kids should have burned off lots of calories, for guilt-free chili :-).
Tonya Staab said…
That's what I love about our neighborhood too. We set up a firepit in the middle of the cul-de-sac (a regular weekly thing anyway) once our kids had finished trick or treating and people came up to the group for candy and some stayed to chat. It was great.

Love Darth and his crush.

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