My friend, Melissa , recently wrote this post , expressing her frustration with the small circle of bloggers who seem to be getting all the perks. I read it and left a lengthy comment, then realized I had even more to say. So, here it goes. I have been feeling some stress and increasing negativity in bloggyland lately. Unrest among the masses regarding PR, "A List" (whatever that is) Mommy Bloggers, the lack of money in blogging, etc. I've personally considered withdrawing completely and have spoken to a few other bloggers who are also feeling somewhat "disenchanted" with blogging as of late. It seems to have lost its luster. Here is how I see it: You begin blogging for fun. For connections. For camaraderie. You get a few followers and comments. You want more. You begin to see others talking about the free stroller or set of books. You want that too. Then you hear that some are getting to travel, meet with PR firms, speak at conferences. That sounds fun. You won
Now we are all going to be expected to cook, too??
(kidding! I love to cook)
ps- could I do a SWIRL (simple wine information for real life) for your site?
You gals rock!
I'm phoning InStyle now to get them in on our fabulousness...