So, DO YOU LOVE IT OR WHAT!!!  I am all kinds of ExCiTeD!  

A Big, Thank you to Shannon, who made my small idea into a beautiful thing!  She was quick, professional and took all my ideas and incorporated them with her genius!

Please leave me a comment letting me know how much you L.O.V.E. my Extreme Makeover!


Ginger said…
OMG LOVE it! No wonder you were so excited! Looks great, and it's so you!
Shannon said…
You were great to work with. I'm so pleased with how the design turned out and that you are SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!!
Heather said…
Oh my stars. I'm going to call you again and tell you how amazing it is. Ring ring...
Anonymous said…
This is gorgeous! I LOVE it...plus that song makes me smile :)
Anonymous said…
Love it Love it and did I mention - LOVE IT!!!! and thanks for the awesome picture of Alex :) Kiersten
Debbie said…
Tiffany!! It looks fantastic! I love the design and the colors...it is so hip....and what's hip without a little Van Halen playing in the background! Thanks for the camera tutorial. Are you gonna do weekly photography tips for us??? Please?
One- said…
Think the blog design is great. Shannon is my sister. Wish I shared some of her talents, but no.
Anonymous said…
This is totally awesome!! I love it! I have previously checked out your blog on my husband's computer and his speakers aren't working right, so I got no sound. Just now I got on our laptop and BAM!....suddenly all this fun music...HOW GREAT IS THIS??!!! I've been missing out, so now I'm gonna read and respond to all your entries while I rock out.

I love the look of this site...it is exactly you!!
Julie H said…
Very nice! Although the music is kind of loud, oh guess I can turn that down ;o)

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