My Ode To Big Lots
Yep, that's right.. Big Lots. As in, formally known as, Pic N Save.
I have been reading your blogs and Target is getting all the love.
Yep, this canvas print.. $5 at my local BL...bought 2 and hung 'm together...
This lovely grille set me back $7... It hangs over the towel rack in the guest bath...I know, totally classy. Then, there is this beauty....
Again, I know, totally elegant.. $7.00. I splurged and bought 2.. they are on the wall along the staircase...oh and just incase you can't tell, it's about 2 feet wide.. a nice substantial piece.
Yes, your eyes do not deceive you.. those are BIG, BEAUTIFUL, METAL, BARN STARS! These were almost missed, even by my well trained eye... sold in a set of 3 (1 small, 1 med, 1 large), the box was up high....and marked at $20. Yes, ladies that wall of stars in my entry.. $40. Shall we continue?
I have had this piece for a few years... (I actually sent this picture to Shannon when she was designing my blog.. see the resemblance?) That color turquoise and a fleur de lis... forget about it. I would have paid $40. Fortunately, it only cost me....... $7.00. Yep. Oh, and the baseballs, those weren't included..that's just my genius decor skills at work.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some bullseye...("I don't know why you say good buy, I say hello..hello, hello"). Target is dependable, bright, clean, features "designer" merchandise at great prices, etc.
But I'd like to take a moment and celebrate my favorite discount chain........ Big Lots.
Now I know what you're thinking... eeeeeeewwwwww, gross. That place is so cheap and dirty... doesn't it smell like feet and old creamed corn?
Yes, yes it does, but that's what makes it so wonderful.. no one else goes there.. well, at least no one else who wants what I want....D E C O R.
Yep I said it. My home is deorated `a la Big Lots. And, I thought I would take a moment and share.....maybe even inspire....(a girl can dream).
Take a look at this treasure....

Then we have this bad boy that I swear I saw on the Real Housewives of OC in Tamara's House.....

This next one could by my favorite BL find EVER....

So there you have it. My favorite finds from a not-so-favorite store. I know Big Lots is packed to the ceilings with crap. That the linoleum floors are all scuffed and peeling. That half the picture frames are broken. That it takes an hour to find someone to get the box of barn stars off the top shelf... and that the lady who finally helps you has no business climbing a ladder....
But, if you're like me... and you love to make your home pretty, but can't spend a fortune... go, seek, conquer.
Just make sure to use that hand sanatizer when you're done.
I almost cried the first time I walked in. Oh, the things around this house from HL!
And, 2 years ago, I decided to get all new XMAS stuff for my 10 ft tree.. I walked out for under $100 bucks. Oh man I love that place.
Next time you go, caress a fleur de lis finial for me!
We have a Big Lots here. I have to admit, I have yet to set foot in it. I will have to give it a try sometime when I have spare change. If I find a place with cute cheap stuff I never want to stop looking around and I always come away with more than I wanted.
One day...I will stray away from Walmart to check it out.
Heather M
Anyway, I am a BigLot-a-holic. There, my name is Carrie and I am a BigLot-a-holic. The more you say it the easier it gets.
Socks, candy, decor, hair products, earrings, giant bras, hammock size women's unders.
I need to replace my kitchen table (it is the one that my grandparents used in their first apartment) and it is on its last legs (ha ha) and my first stop was BigLots. Don't forget to look way up high and behind stuff.
Glad I'm not the only one who likes this place!
I recently came across your blog entry on Big Lots and couldn't help but be offended at your remark that it smell like "old creamed corn." I'm sure you were just using humor at our expense, but nonetheless Big Lots prides itself on being 1. A great place for savings, 2. A place where everyone in the family can find something, and 3. A clean, personable enviroment that draws people in - not repels them.
I was saddened to hear that the store near you did not meet these quality standards we set for ourselves. As President and CEO of Big Lots, INC. I hope you will allow me to apologize that your local store smelt like "creamed corn" when our original desire is and always has been to smell like fresh, niblet corn. Anything less is uncivilized. And as far as the lady climbing the ladder who most assuredly shouldn't have been. Well, it was eaither her or the other employee on duty but she was in the back shaving. Her face. Or so I was told.
Please try us again. I'm sure you'll find our sales remarkable, our smell enticing and our employess clean-shaven and "jolly."